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Colors and mutations budgies pictures


Budgies mutations

The famous budgie is one of the types of birds that is distinguished by its small size and is one of the most famous pets not only in the Arab world but in the world, and in the order of acquiring and raising pets, the budgie comes in its arrangement behind dogs, then cats, and then budgies directly, and this is considered a natural arrangement for being a nice bird, Breeders are interested in the budgie bird and its lovers and the method of training the budgie to imitate sounds.

One of the most popular hobbies is raising pets, especially birds , including parrots and budgeri Not less than nine hours a day and sometimes tend to raise their legs.

The budgie is characterized by the multiplicity of its colors and their differences, with it revolving around several basic colors. The yellow and blue colors are mixed to form the green color, which is the dominant color in it, but it does not have a color like the red color mainly .

Budgies mutations traits

The genetic traits of the budgie are divided into three main traits:

  • Dominant traits, which are traits that, if available in a budgie, dominate over any other trait.
  • Recessive traits , both spouses must be carriers of the trait.
  • Sex -related traits that a male carries and inherits by subordination to females, not males. [3]

First: mutations in which the trait is dominant

They are green, spaniel, banded, yellow-faced, gray, violet, clear flight, frosted pide, charcoal boom or anthracite.

Second: Recessive traits

Such as Blue Faloo, Hurricane, Daelot, Gray Wing, Net Wing, Dark Ed Claire, Saddleback, Black Face and Black Wing

Third: the gender-related adjective

Albino, Latino, Lace Wing, Opaline, Baskets, Cinnamon, Cremino, Clear Body, and Clear Body has three mutations, the most famous of which are:

  • Texas
  • aisle
  • Trino

Dominant Budgies Mutations

 green color

It is the original color of it, and the body is green, and it is the color of the wild bird, and this is the origin, or we can say that it is the beginning of the structures and the first that appeared, and the derivation was done from it for the rest of the other genetic characteristics of this bird.

Spangle color

It has upside-down marks resembling fish scales on the wing and the tips of the feathers on the wings is what contains these marks, and of which there are two types, the first type is a single factor that has various colors and shapes, and the second type is a double factor and it has two colors white and yellow.

pandead single

Factor or Double Factor and it has body marks, and sometimes it is scanned without marks, and its colors are many and different. What distinguishes the Banded Single Factor is the engraving on the top of the body.

yellow face

It is either on the face or on the wing and a yellow-faced type or the so-called golden face.


Here, if the budgie is gray, it has a rare prevalent characteristic.


This mutation has degrees and shape of violet color on the body.

clear flight

It is somewhat similar to the pendulum, but differs from it, the color of the feather is darker, like the rest of the body color.

Frosted Bide

It has milder marks on the shoulder than the rest of the body, and it is one of the rare mutations.

coal boom

It is one of the dominant mutations, but incomplete dominance in the case of another trait.

recessive mutations

  • Blue has three colors, namely Sky Blue, Copunte Blue, and Violet.
  • The eye color is red.
  • The hurical body color is plain and marks on the budgie's wing parts are random.
  • The Dilot is distinguished by a dilute cheek and body color.
  • Gray wing has dilute markings and its markings are clear and strong.
  • The wing net has a blunt, semi-hidden wing mark and a bright body colour.
  • Dark Eyes Clear is either white or yellow and varies from one bird to another.
  • Saddleback has lighter colored stripes on the wings and under the head
  • Black face and the shape and color of the bird is dark, the body color may be light, but the head is always dark in color.
  • Black wing has dark wings, including black wing white, and the body of the bird is white, unlike the wings, which is one of the few mutations.

sex-linked mutations

It differs between males and females such as:

  • Albino mutation The body is white and the eyes are red.

  • Lutino mutation The body is strong yellow and the eye color is red.

  • Wallace wing mutation has brown markings on the wings and the eyes are red.

  • The boom of opaline plumage on the wings bears the same color as the body.

  • Marble or metal basket boom, and the abdomen and chest are characterized by a variety of colors.

  • Cinnamon mutation Wing color is brownish-gray.
  • The cremino mutation is very light yellow and the eyes are red.

  • Claire's body mutation , which is three species, Texas, is clear-bodied without markings, the isle is with the same wing as a sparrow, and the last is Triño, which has recently disappeared.

Budgies feathers spikes

The boom in feathers is characterized by the beauty of the shape of the budgie, where the feathers grow in reverse in the direction, producing a wonderful and beautiful appearance, and there are types of mutation of feathers in the front of the head, including:

  • Taft mutation, which is the growth of tufts of feathers in the front to give a beautiful shape to the student, which is here the lowest degree of degrees.

  • Half-crast mutation, in which feathers grow in the form of a semicircle, and this is the second degree.

  • The budgie double mutation and the budgie double crest mutation, and this mutation is the highest degree among the previous mutations, as the feathers in it grow in the form of a dense circle and vector in more than one direction.

  • Cork Budgies here grow feathers up high on the back.

  • The villas or budgie bird Hagromo grows its feathers in the form of a fan.

budgie colors

The color of a budgie depends on the color of the dominant genes in his parents, such as the genes responsible for the yellow / green coloration in the budgie before the mutations that occurred to him due to his breeders, whether they wanted to or not, although despite attempts to predict the colors, it is difficult to fully predict its color and it is Still an egg. 

For example, a bird may carry a non-dominant or recessive gene for blue/white feathers, 'hidden' behind the dominant gene for yellow/green feathers. In the same bird, the blue color will not appear, but the gene may be passed on to the next generation, where if it mates with another recessive gene, it will appear blue. [1]

Classification of budgies according to size 

  • The Australian budgie or the Australian sparrows is the smallest species in size and has a distinct age of puberty. The Australian budgie reaches a young age, which may be three months. It is an ideal bird suitable for novice breeders, where the beauty of its colors and its speed of adaptation in any environment.
  • The English budgie is the largest in the budgie bird species, and it reaches three and a half or four months, and it is little movement and flight, and it is the most suitable in competitions. [2]

Budgies by color

  • The green and blue budgie, which is the Australian bird, is called the normal budgie. This type is characterized by its small size and beauty of shape, as well as its play and activity, and it is highly productive.
  • As for the English budgie, it is distinguished by its large size from the Australian budgie, although it is less productive than the Australian budgie.
  • There is the Dutch budgie, which is the middle between the two previous types, as it is a cross between the two types of budgies, English and Australian.


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