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Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

What is the difference between male and female cockatiel bird?

 What does a cockatiel bird eat?

The cockatiel bird is a bird belonging to the family of small parrots, and its scientific name is (Nymphicus hollandicus), which is a gray bird, with a yellow head and a red spot near the ear, and a length of about 32 centimeters, and lives in the plains and open areas, but its original habitat is Australia And as for the favorite food of the cockatiel bird, it is seeds and weeds, and it is one of the birds that are loved to be raised in homes,[1] so what is the difference between a male and a female cockatiel?

The difference between male and female cockatiels in terms of head shape

A difference can be observed between a male and a female cockatiel by distinguishing the shape and color of the head, where the bright yellow color covers most of the male cockatiel's head, and in contrast, the gray color is dominant over the color of the plumage of the female cockatiel, and therefore the bright yellow color is much less compared to the male The male is also distinguished by the fact that the orange spot on his head is more bright than the female, which has a paler spot.

The difference between a male and a female cocktail bird in terms of feather color is also one of the ways that contributes to knowing the difference between a male and a female cockatiel bird is the color of the body feathers. Male and female cockatiels have some white spots, but when the bird changes its feathers, these spots disappear in the male cockatiel, while the female remains.

The difference between the male and female cockatiel in terms of the shape of the tail There is also a slight difference between the male and female cockatiel in terms of the shape and color of the tail, where the tail of the female cockatiel has horizontal stripes in gray, dark gray, white, or yellow, and can contain under the tail On a few points, in contrast, the tail of the male cockatiel does not include any lines, marks, or dots.

The difference between a male and a female cocktail bird in terms of sound It can also be differentiated between a male and a female cockatiel in terms of sound, as the female cockatiel bird is more sedate and calm compared to the male a lot of whistling and tweeting, in addition there is an opportunity to teach the male to speak more than the female as a result of his activity and high voice , but this is not always guaranteed.

The difference between a male and a female cockatiel in terms of mating behavior The male cockatiel expresses mating behavior more clearly than the female, as he clicks his beak and makes many loud sounds and walks in front of the female to draw her attention, and among the gentle movements he makes is that he raises the ends of his wings up, and appears From the back, what looks like a heart shape, while the female does not show many behaviors, but she may feed the male or look at him from a high place with her tail raised up.

 The difference between a male and a female cockatiel can be known by noticing many physical characteristics such as the color of the feathers in the body, head and tail, and some difference in behavioral traits such as mating behaviors and voice can also be noted.

 How are cockatiels taken care of at home?
What is the appropriate cage size for cockatiels? Cockatiels are very social birds, which is why they are well suited for indoor breeding as a pet bird, and can live to 15-20 years if properly cared for. Here are several tips for how to take care of cockatiels at home:

 medical care:
Cockatiel breeders may need to trim the tips of the bird's wings and nails, and this task must be performed by a specialist veterinarian so as not to cause any harm to the bird.

Appropriate feeding:
The cocktail bird feeds on seeds, and it can occasionally eat green leafy vegetables with the exception of lettuce and cabbage because they cause diarrhea for the cocktail bird, in addition to eating fruits, well-boiled eggs and grated cheese, and it is important to remove fresh foods from its place of residence after two hours until Do not spoil.

Drinking water:
The cockatiel bird needs to be provided with fresh water daily, and some vitamins or appropriate nutritional supplements can be added in the water, and the water bowl must be cleaned well to prevent the growth of bacteria that leads to the bird getting sick.

Choosing the right cage:
Cockatiels like wide cages more than high cages, the ideal cage length is about 18 inches, the width is about 16 inches, and the height is also about 18 inches, the cage should be kept away from windows that bring in wind or places with very high temperature.
Cockatiels are very social birds and can be easily bred taking into account their favorite food, clean and sufficient water and preferred cage size.

The cockatiel is a social bird and is well liked by homeowners for breeding.

Cocktail belongs or parrot Karawan to the parrot family and is a bird average size is endemic to Australia and ischaracterized by Boloanh distinct and different , where mounting head beautiful crown in addition to that it is easy to hatching and easy to differentiate between the sexes 
there is a way some people used to distinguish between the sexes and is by DNA nuclear DNA ,  and she gives theresults of 100% , but not all of us can make this test, but we draw upon as the outside in order to distinguish between male and female and are often not work this way. 
1. the above are the colors bright on female 
2-mentioned features cheeks Orange Chronicles unlike the female they are distinguished by the color is bright orange and some gray lines

Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

3-person when we find when the female wing patches in the wings while the male is not any spot where there are

Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

4-when the male standing in the roost note that the legs are close female Vtkon Mtbaeidtan
Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

5-tail for the male is gray to black italic The female tail Flon be Mzacharh

Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail

6-always observed in mature couples out whistles multiple tones of the male and the male used in courtship, the female does not have this feature , but is yelling Vqz 
7-crown in the shape of the male seems relatively long and dense Mqarndta a female for the female also


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