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Showing posts from September, 2016

Colors and mutations budgies pictures

Contents Budgies mutations Budgies mutations traits First: mutations in which the trait is dominant Second: Recessive traits Third: the gender-related adjective Dominant Budgies Mutations  green color Spangle color pandead single yellow face Gray Violet clear flight Frosted Bide coal boom recessive mutations sex-linked mutations Budgies feathers spikes budgie colors Classification of budgies according to size  Budgies by color Budgies  mutations The famous budgie is one of the  types of birds  that is distinguished by its small size and is one of the most famous pets not only in the Arab world but in the world, and in the order of acquiring and raising pets, the budgie comes in its arrangement behind dogs, then cats, and then budgies directly, and this is considered a natural arrangement for being a nice bird, Breeders are interested in the budgie bird and its lovers and  the method of training the budgie  to imitate sounds. One of the most popular  hobbies  is  raising pets, especiall

Facts about the English budgies

budgies bird is the smallest bird in the parrot parrots series, Taatmaz birds budgies small Compared to her body by her intelligence and wonderful is one of the most famous ornamental birds, and of course budgies types and among the types of English budgies. What budgies England England factions of the most beautiful and the most expensive budgies original origin is England, and from here the name of English budgies . It's often used in performances and competitions pet birds, because of the beauty of its shape  Specifications: Head. What distinguishes the English over his head , which is topped by a thick feathers and be bold and circular Grin. And is one of the features that the advantage of the English for the rest of the types and is a heavy blades leads to hide the eye where it whenever Grin level whenever the price rose tail. It is often the English tail n long and straight and narrow. And extended Prishtine higher tail equally with the bird 's body. Cheeks spot

How to deal with retention eggs when the birds

Of things to be known at the breeding birds is the treatment of the phenomenon of retention eggs in the sense that instead of being the egg towards the filmmaker be parked crosswise causing female pain and it can not be out or bleaching the egg, which is sick female is caused in most cases, the death of a female, especially if the jam is not known global and treatment, for this it is necessary to know how to treat warming because I personally Female zebra died for me because of this. Retention eggs: However small or large birds unusual or inexperienced in laying eggs ,  it could happen to  her constipation retention eggs  -egg bound- where it is difficult to  predict and any of the  birds that will be affected and that you are  not affected Reasons retention eggs: - The most important reason is to increase the bird's weight is known Baltlies any presence of cyst in the anal area and this Allaas may prevent wear from laying eggs and then the eggs retention (like in t