Breeding birds zebra finch zebra one months and the most important and most common types of birds Alastairildad prevalent in central Australia, and unite in most of the continent, avoids staying in the southern cold wet areas also avoids staying in tropical areas in the far north, as the bird zebra lives in Indonesia and in the East Timor and other countries.
Up along the zebra finch to 10 cm, and loves to eat grass seed, and will issue a peep sounds and calls of quick repetitive sounds.
Zebra finch settle in large areas of grass land and forests, and is probably near the water, I have a bird zebra used to live in areas inhabited by humans, just exploiting water sources of man-made and areas where forests have been cut them. Life cycle bird zebra:
The lifetime of zebra vary depending on genetic factors and environmental factors that surround the bird, while the average age while living in nature five years, while the average age while living outside of nature from eight to ten years or even twelve years.
nutrition :
Bird zebra Like many birds it depends on grain basic such as food to him, he had been able to adapt to peeling grains, also prefer the seeds of millet, but he may eat other types of seeds, and most birds that are reared in cages eat a meal eggs, and the birds zebra voracious birds are moving a lot and cause some chaos and scatter seeds everywhere, carrying out this behavior in nature help spread plant seeds in many places, and important water provides much of the life of this bird, and so it will be whenever he deems drinking water.
Mated zebra:
When the male put in the nest was doing the female must remove the nest from the cage before putting it, while possible to develop a female in a cage with a nest Male, not paired easily this bird, you must When you put male and female for mating Alokd not Tarkhma in the beginning 'and must non-smooth substrates available until the insemination process, it must be when the female stated compatible with them two weeks and put the first egg and only whites would be enriched by, if not quarreled male and female in the beginning it is likely that they will go together, and it is possible to require Etwafaqa for two months, but if not for a consensus during the three months it is best to separate them from each other, and preferably be in the cage a couple of the new mode for weeks nest.
Needs eggs zebra from two to three weeks until they hatch, in case you do after twenty-one days hatch This indicates that the egg is fertilized, but in the case of eggs repeated non-enriched uranium it is best to separate the male and female and appending each new pair, should the bird does not give a lot of nest building materials so as not to fall by the time they leave the chicks, and the chicks away from her parents when it becomes the color black beak Mmaha cream color by the first quarter of the length of the beak.