Canaries: How do you take care of the Canary birds at home?

Considered canaries and other birds in the backyard in cages, beautiful birds, which soothes the soul, and gives a beautiful sight in the homes and gardens, in addition to the voices Retweeted Gemayel, who brings to our minds the true nature of which we began to miss her nowadays, in light pollution and urbanization and the disappearance of green cover slowly.

- There are many kinds of birds in the backyard, such as birds of paradise, love birds and canaries kinds, goldfinch and many others, as it has become a lot of people practicing this hobby, and able to provide appropriate care for the birds, and work to create favorable breeding conditions When these birds breed in the house, the joy of a great man feels and sees something never seen before, and that does not exist except in nature.
It is the most beautiful voices and forms of birds, bird canary, which is characterized and known for something more in yellow mixed with other colors, Kalprtqala brown, white and black, in addition to other colors, not hidden from you voice that holds many tones, and the more colorful Ngmath the higher the price, there are many kinds birds expensive can not acquire a lot of people, some of them very difficult to make them multiply in the home, because it needs special circumstances can not be provided at home. The canary is a bird of birds First: beautiful,

Second, moderate price,

 Third: It's easy to make them multiply in homes Fourth, you do not need to own or reproduction of living conditions.

Tips on canaries and take care of it at home you useful information on how to raise canaries, and how to give it the right conditions for their living, and how we make it multiply, and a lot of the things that surround it.
What is the origin of bird canary? Continued to back a bird canary to the Canary Islands in the Atlantic Ocean, has this bird named for to being a living originally in these islands, and color of the original is yellow, which is known as the vendors of these birds Balhbshi, but then spread in Europe and the world, many colors emerged of it, due to hybridization and change breeds.

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