Are getting many of the mutations Durra US through crossbreeding strains of Durra US with Dura Indian but such experiments require practices expert in education and the need for time and a long period and also to control the production remain pure and distinct, without the appearance of defects and flaws in the production and fertility problems
How to produce this wonderful color? Lutino Alexandrine Parrots
And the beginning of this exciting and the difficult experience there are two ways:
The first mating said Dora Indian Latino female with Dora the US green.
The second mating said Dora US Green with Dora Female Indian Latino.- The first way is the most disadvantages which result in female Latino and Latino males Split in the first generation, but the entire production is a weak level in addition to the emergence of a poor sizes and fertility problems.
- For these reasons it is the second way is the best where they are given female Indian Latino to mention the US green, and are selected female of substantial size as much as possible and excellent health and harmonic blades and are selected male with a huge size, with a focus on being red spots on its wings bright and dense.
Male American Green x Female Indian Latino
Come follow the results of this mating?
The first generation
In the first production cycle we get the birds are all green, and of course, our focus in this explanation on the output of the Dorra US and we are here for the males Dora US green carrying recipe Latinos and with a smaller size and shoulders spots less dense than Dura American purified and also get a female Dora uS green not afford prescription Latinos, and therefore we are not in a need for these females can be sold and our focus is in the following steps on the green male carrying recipe Latinos and so it is very important to the work of analyzing the DNA early to get a male directly and keep it in this generation. .
Second generation
In the second production or second-generation cycle is taking a male American green carrying recipe Latinos than the first generation and give him Female American pure green with a distinctive size and bright spots and we get from mating the males carry the recipe Latinos and males do not carry prescription Latinos and females Latino and female not afford prescription and Latinos in this generation all female producers from lack of good size and also lacks the dense patches of red that we see in the uS and purified but we have to continue work and to focus on female Latinos from producer this generation.
Third Generation
In this generation are mating between male Dora US Green very refined with the best female Latino producer of the second generation, and the results will be quite similar to the results of the first generation, and as we mentioned there are quite We will also to keep a male Productive only and does not need to females of this generation.
The fourth generation
In this generation are combined Male American holds a recipe Latinos from the third generation with Female American green is very pure and will be the results of this mating just like the results in the second generation, but then we got all the female lacks good size and dense patches while in this fourth generation there is a very large proportion of female access to the largest and best of the second-generation femaleAnd, of course, focus our attention on the female Latinos from producer this generation (IV).
* Is to continue to work this way because we're going in the fifth generation on the same first-generation and third results and we will get in the sixth generation on the same second-generation and fourth and results, but of course, with a production improvement so we will be difficult, we find significant differences between the US ordinary purified and Latinos our product *
The question here is everything we've done previously has enabled us to produce Female Dora the US Latino and distinctively level, what about the production Male American Latino same level required?
- It will take to get Female American Latino excellent fourth-generation or sixth generation and put it together with the US Green holds the recipe Latinos third-generation or fifth generation and will result in this association:
1 - Split Latino males.
2 - green females do not carry prescription Latinos.
3 - female Latino.
4 - Latino males.
Quickly should know that the transition from one generation to another generation we will need between 2: 3 full years and to reach, for example, female Latinos are produced in the fourth generation, we need to 7:10 years if we're lucky, and of course the most important points that need to be focused on to complete the job strenuous are the records of the birds where they are recording all small and big talk you have with the use of DoubleClick specific codes to facilitate the process of segregation and selection as well as whether you need to do a very large group of blood analysis for the birds, and therefore, we will find that the cost of this operation would be too large and its requirements do not strengthen them However, large farms and expert.
And here are some pictures of this mutation and other mutations wonderful

How to produce Lutino Alexandrine Parrots
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