Toxic foods that pet birds should never eat As social eaters, wild birds feed in flocks of hundreds to thousands in the wild. Domestic birds also love to share feeding time with their companions, whether other birds in the house or their caretakers. Feeding with pet birds is a great way to connect with them; However, there are some foods that humans love that should never be served to pet birds due to their potential toxicity, and are among the most common toxic foods to birds.
1- Avocado:
The leaves of the avocado plant contain persin, a substance similar to the fatty acid that kills fungi in the plant. When eaten by birds, this substance may cause heart damage, difficulty breathing, weakness, and even sudden death. While some types of birds consume certain types of Avocados Safely It's hard to know which types of avocados will affect the species.
It's also unclear how much avocado a pet bird would have to eat to be affected, and given the potential consequences, it's best to simply avoid feeding avocados and foods containing avocado (such as guacamole) to the birds.
2- Caffeine:
We all love caffeinated beverages, like coffee, tea and soda, because they taste great, stimulate, and wake us up. We might consider serving a sip of these delicious beverages to our pet birds, but even a sip or two of these drinks can be toxic to feathered owners. Caffeine can increase the heart rate, cause arrhythmia and hyperactivity, and even cause cardiac arrest in birds. Therefore, avoid caffeinated products, and choose water or an occasional fruit juice flavor for your thirsty bird.
3- Chocolate:
Like us, birds have a hard time resisting foods that contain chocolate, however, even in very small amounts, chocolate can be toxic to birds, and chocolate contains both theobromine and caffeine that can cause vomiting and diarrhea, increase heart rate, and lead They can lead to hyperactivity, tremors, seizures, and even death in birds, so the next time you're tempted to share chocolate with your bird friend, offer him a piece of sugary fruit, such as mango, papaya, or grapes instead.
4- Salt:
Dash here, dash there Many of us casually add this beloved condiment to all kinds of foods without thinking and we also love salty potato chips, popcorn, pretzels and crackers, but, just as too much salt isn't good for us, it's also not good for our birds, and even a little of it may It is toxic to young birds and even a single salty chip or pickle can upset the fluid and electrolyte balance in a young bird, resulting in extreme thirst, dehydration, kidney failure and death, so next time you want to give your bird a salty treat, choose a bite or two of Unsalted popcorn, pretzels, or low-salt crackers, instead.
5- Fats:
We all know that consuming foods rich in fat, such as butter, oil, fatty meats, and nuts, can lead to a buildup of cholesterol deposits in artery walls (known as atherosclerosis), which leads to heart disease and stroke. Excessive intake of these foods can also lead to Obesity and all the health problems that accompany this condition and the same processes occur in birds.
And some bird species, such as Amazon parrots and Quakers, make them prone to developing high levels of cholesterol and triglycerides and subsequent coronary artery disease. They are lean and cooked, but they should not be offered large amounts of these fat-packed items, especially if they are small for the size of the bird.
Birds love nuts, but almonds or unsalted nuts each day are enough for a medium-sized bird such as the African Gray Parrot and larger birds that eat more fat in the wild, such as parrots, may get a few nuts per day, while smaller birds, such as cockatiels And parrot, you should offer no more than a few slivers of almonds or a piece of walnut each day and encourage your bird to be a lean flying machine, and reduce fatty snacks.
6- Fruit cores and apple seeds:
While most fruits are generally safe and healthy for birds to consume in small amounts, some fruits that contain seeds (such as apples and pears) and pits (such as cherries, apricots, peaches, nectarines, and peaches) should not be offered to birds without first removing the seeds and pits. Digging on small amounts of the heart-toxic cyanide compound and without the seeds and pits, these fruits are perfectly safe for birds to consume and seeds from other produce such as grapes, citrus, pumpkins, pumpkins, tomatoes, watermelons, mangoes, pomegranates and berries are all safe for birds to consume and can be fed without worry.
7- Onions and garlic:
Many people expect that onions and garlic, like other vegetables, are healthy for birds. However, while these spicy vegetables have heart benefits for humans, whether fed raw or cooked, they are toxic to many animals, including birds, cats and dogs. Onions contain sulfur compounds that, when chewed, can irritate the lining of a bird's mouth, esophagus, or crop, causing ulcers, and can lead to red blood cells rupturing, leading to anemia. Garlic contains allicin, another chemical that can cause anemia. It causes anemia and weakness in birds, so introduce spices into your bird's life.
We created a list of safe and non-trees, plants, fruit trees, fruit and seed vegetables, we can integrate into the diet of our birds or use parts, wood and branches for decoration cage them .
The list resulting from crosses many publications, mostly foreign studies. We must keep in mind that the safety results from the fact that there are no registered cases to the contrary.
They should also bear in our mind that every person is not the same as any other and it is safe for a bird can be a problem, intolerant, allergic reactions to another, just as with us.
You can use trees, shrubs, plants and flowering of this list, those of you who have a large outdoor cages within their space.
Even if you have birds flying freely at home , you can choose plants from here to be compatible with the presence of friends and will not suffer them if picking at.
Collecting plant parts from nature, we avoid those located near the lively movement of vehicles, at the edges of pavements or other high risk points as tributaries where factories discharged waste water, sewage, and even water from washing lines in the neighborhood.
Beware of fruit trees, collect only if we know that is not sprayed. Check the good condition of the leaves or branches, not having molds, fungi, ulcers and weevils.
For all of the following items, in none refer to plant roots but their overhead signs.
If we want to integrate a new type as food in the diet of our friends, we do not consider safety as a given that the offer effortlessly.
as our babies, always introduce one new food at a time. The first test is a very small amount and follow at least two more test feedings in the coming days. If after the test proved and secure us, normally we incorporate in our menu.
If you do not wish it, address a problem, it is advisable to inform the forum, to complete the list with the label.
It is good to try new food days we will be at home (although unfortunately that weekends and holidays happening).
to have fitted charcoal bags or zeolite, to face any problem in the first instance to be served by ptiniatro .
the lists will be continually updated with new information and please about your participation is valuable.
Safe plants, vegetables, fruits, herbs
- Angelica - Angelikoula - Pittosporum
- Agriomilia - Milea forest - Malus sylvestris
- Aeilanthos - Ailanthus - Ailanthus
- Eichmann - Urn Plant - Aechmea fasciata
- Acacia - Acacia - Acacia
- Hones - False Yellowhead - Dittrichia Viscosa or Inula Vis
- Alder - Alder tree - Alnus
- Aloe - Aloe Vera
- Vines - Abelia - Abelia
- Vine (Vine) - Grapevine - Vitis
- Almond - Almond - Prunus dulcis
- Pineapple - Ananas - Ananas comosus
- Hadrian - Red elderberry - Sambucus racemosa
- Dill - Dill - Anethum
- purslane
- Aral - Aralia - Aralia
- Arekia - see palm -
- Holly - see Ilix -
- Arctostaphylos (arkoudokoumaro) - Manzanita - Arctostaphylos
- Arokaria - Norfolk pine - Araucaria
- Asimolefka - White poplar - Populus alba
- Asplinio - Asplenium nidus - Bird's Nest Fern
- Afelantra - Zebra plant - Aphelandra squarrosa (potential irritation from his torso juice)
- African daisy - osteospermo
- African violet - Saintpaulia
- Basil - Basil
- Blackberry (Vatos) - Raspberry - Rubus
- Barberries - Barberry - Berberis vulgaris
- Viburnum - Viburnum - Viburnum
- Violet - Violet - Viola
- Greens - Amaranth - Amaranthus viridis
- Vryofyllon - Bryophyllum
- Thistle - Milk Thistle - Silybum Marianum
- Gardenia - Gardenia - Gardenia
- Ginkgo - Ginkgo - Ginkgo
- Guava - Guava - Psidium
- Gloxinia - Gloxinia
- Anise - Pimpinella anisum
- Purslane (see Purslane)
- Gypsophilia - baby's breath
- Daphne Apollo - Laurel tree - Laurus nobilis
- Rosemary - Rosemary
- Dracaena - Dracaena
- Spearmint - Spearmint - Menta spicata
- Cinnabar Dragon - Dragon tree - Dracaena Draco
- Elaiagnos - Autumn olive - Elaeagnus umbellata
- Holly - see Ilix -
- Colorado spruce - White fir or Subalpine - Abies concolor
- Spruce - Fir tree - Abies
- Elia - Olive tree - Olea (not cores)
- Epifyllo - Sloumpergkera - Schlumbergera - Zygokaktos - Zygocactus - Christmas cactus
- Love - Impatiens - Impatiens
- Eskalonia - Escallonia - Escallonia
- Citrus - Citrus
- Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus - Eucalyptus species (Not dried)
- Echeveria - Hens and chickens - Echeveria Elegans
- Sonchus oleraceus - Sow Thistle - Sonchus oleraceu
- Sunflower - Sunflower
- Thyme - Thymus
- Helxine - Soleirolia - Baby tears
- Hibiscus - Hibiscus
- Ilix (modular) - Coralberry - Ilex verticillata (attention other toxic species)
- Ion - see Violet
- And Willow Weeping - Willow - Salix
- Cactus Easter - Hatiora gaertneri
- Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe - Kalanchoe clossfeldiana
- Corn (plant) (and the fruit of course)
- Calendula - Calendula
- Kallistimon - Bottlebrush
- Camellia - Camellia - Camellia
- Karissa - Natal Plum - Carissa macrocarpa
- Walnuts
- Dour - Tagetes erecta - Marigolds
- Coffee tree - Coffee tree - Coffea (not the coffee plant which is toxic)
- Keltida - Hackberry - Celtis
- Centaur - Bachelor's buttons - Centaurea cyanus
- Kent - Paradise Palm - Howea forsteriana
- Candle - Wax plant - Hoya carnosa
- Kerastio - White cover plant - Cerastium tomentosum
- Ivy - Kangaroo Vine - Cissus Antarctica (reservation as to species)
- Sheath - Coleus forskohli
- Coriander - Cilantro
- Dogwood - Dogwood - Cornus
- Krassoulis common - Jade plant - Crassula ovata
- Crotone - Croton - Codiaeum variegatum
- Vegetables - see supplementary list below -
- Aspen - Aspen - Populus
- White Clover - White Clover - Trifolium repens
- Lonikera - Honeysuckle - Lonicera (controversial views, controversy, attention)
- Louisa - Lemon Verbena - Lippia Citriodora or Aloysia Citrodora
- Parsley - Parsley - Petroselinum crispum
- Makloura - Bois d 'arc - Maclura pomifera
- Milia - Apple - Malus domestica (excludes fruit kernels)
- Magnolia - Magnolia - Magnolia virginiana (the fruits are toxic)
- Marjoram - Origanum majorana - Marjoram
- Fennel - Fennel
- Arrowroot - Prayer plant - Maranta
- Melissovalsamo - Bee balm - Horsemint - Bergamot (not to be confused with Melissa or Lemon Balm)
- Melissa - Lemon Balm - Melissa officinalis
- Peppermint - Peppermint - Mentha
- Mimosa - Noli Me Tangere - Sensitive plant -
- Mimoulo - Mimulus - Monkey plant
- Bamboo - Bamboo
- Begonia (slight reservation and confirmation)
- Bougainvillea - Bougainvillea
- Myrtilos - Blueberry - Vaccinium myrtillus
- Purple Passion - Purple passion - Gynura
- Nasturtium - Nasturtium
- Dahlia - Dahlia
- Beech - Beech tree - Fagus
- Pathanthes - Watches - Passion flower - Passiflora caerulea
- Pansy - Pansy - Viola tricolor var. hortensis
- Lilac - Lilac - Syringa vulgaris
- Peperomia - Pepperomia - Peperomia
- Petunia - Petunia - Petunia
- Spruce - Spruce - Picaea
- Ginger - Ginger - Zingiber officinale
- Plektranthos or pliktranthos - Swedish ivy - Plectranthus verticillatus
- Maidenhair - Adiandi - Maiden's hair fern - Adiantum capillus-veneris
- Pyracantha or Kotoneastro - Cotoneaster firethorn - Pyracantha
- Chicory - Chicory - Chichorium Intybus
- Shelves - Lady Palm - Rhapis excelsa
- Oregano - Oregano - Origanum vulgare
- Watches - watch Pathanthes -
- Sanseviera - Snake plant - Sanseviera trifasciata
- Sedum morganium - Donkey tail plant
- Series pearls - String of Pearls - Senecio radicans
- Schefflera - Hawaiian schefflera - Schefflera (Difference of opinion on -prosochi toxicity)
- Schefflera the antinofylli - Umbrella tree - Schefflera actinophylla (Difference of opinion on the toxicity)
- Garlic - Garlic - Allium sativum
- Birch - Birch - Betula
- Asparagus beautifying - Ming fern - Asparagus densiflorus 'myriocladus'
- Chickweed - Chickweed
- Sykia - Fig tree - Ficus carica
- Symforikarpos - Snowberry - Symphoricarpos
- Comfrey - Comfrey - Symphytum
- Dandelion - Dandelion - Taraxacum
- Telegraph tricolor - Wandering Jew - Tradescantia zebrina
- Rose - Rose - Rosa
- Tropaiolo - Nasturtium - Tropaeolum
- Nettle - Stinging Nettle - Urtica
- Ficus elastic - Rubber tree - Ficus elastica (There is controversy)
- Ficus lyre - Fiddle leaf fig - Ficus lyrata (There is controversy)
- Ficus the cherry - Indian laurel fig - Ficus microcarpa (There is controversy)
- Fittonia - Nerve plant - Fittonia
- Phoenix - Canary Date Palm
- Phoenix - Arekia - Areca Palm - Areca catechu
- Fraxinos (Pseftoflamouria, honey) - Ash - Fraxinus
- Elm - Elm - Ulmus
- Fern - Asparagus fern
- Lacy fern - Lace fern - Microlepia strigosa
- Fern N. Zealand - Asplenium bulbiferum - Mother Fern
- Fern Nefrolepis - Boston Fern - Nephrolepis exaltata
- Chamaidorea - Parlor Palm - Chamaedorea elegans
- Chamairopas - European fan palm - Chamaerops humilis
- Chamomile - Charmomile - Chamaemelum nobile
- Chlorofyto - Spider plant - Chlorophytum comosum
- Pseftokissos - Grape Ivy - Danish ivy - Cissus rhombifolia (Attention)
- Oraiofyllo - Flame Nettle - Coleus blumei
Vegetables - Fruits - Herbs
Most fruits and vegetables are sprayed with pesticides. If we can not take care to find items from organic or our own production, we should follow two steps as much assurance as possible.First we buy somewhat immature to have margin 7-10 days up to offer our birds and secondly wash them thoroughly with clean running water and then soaked for a few minutes in water with vinegar. Rinse, pat dry rudimentary and offer our beloved friends.
- Cucumber
- Kiwi
- Pineapple
- Dill
- leaved
- Pears
- Royal
- Oats (flakes or oatmeal)
- Apricots (not core)
- Thistle
- Sweet potatoes (Steamed or boiled - prefer red)
- turnip greens
- Plums
- Rosemary
- rape
- Echinacea
- Sunflower
- Thyme
- Corn
- Kanarosporos (grass grown in the garden or in a pot from seed)
- Cinnamon (Ceylon in sticks or powder)
- Hemp
- Cardamom
- Carrots and green grass
- Watermelon (Small amounts of the sugar)
- Safflower
- Cherry
- millet
- Coriander
- Pumpkin
- Pumpkins
- Kranmperis
- Cumin
- Cabbage
- Chinese cabbage
- Brussels sprouts
- Flax
- Parsley
- Mango
- Marjoram
- Fennel
- Lettuce
- melissa
- Apples (except core)
- berries
- Banana
- Peas (with their peel)
- Broccoli and in particular leaves (slightly blanched or lightly steamed)
- Papaya
- Melon
- dandelions
- Ginger
- Peppers (all colors)
- chili pepper
- Oranges
- chicory
- Oregano
- Peaches
- Pomegranate - Pomegranate - Punica granatum
- Rice (preferably brown, boiled in water without salt)
- celery
- mangel
- Mustard
- Sesame
- Spinach (except reproduction preparation periods)
- Asparagus
- Stary (broken, crushed in a mortar)
- Grapes
- figs
- Beets and their greens
- Green beans
- Dried beans (boiled in water without salt)
- Lima beans (boiled in water without salt and peeled)
- Strawberries
- Chamomile
- Dates
Toxic plants and fruit
Birds like all animals in nature, have been trained in the safe recovery of the food and to ensure an appropriate antidote in case of toxicity.The adoption of a bird and exclusive from us choice of food, our entrusts the task of ensuring diversity and security for the safety of food and plants with which they come into contact. the basic principle is: do not know, do not offer. also do not forget, most microbial load is in our mouth. Those who have parrots, forbidden to give them food that keep our lips.
- Avocado - Avocado - Persea Americana
- Azalea - Azalea - Rhododendron
- Aktaia - Baneberry - Actaea Spicata
- Poinsettia - Poinsettia - Euphorobia puclherrima
- Amaranth - Pigweed - Amaranthus
- Amaryllis - Amaryllis - Hippeastum
- Andromeda - Andromeda - Andromeda pierris
- Anthurium
- Aral
- Juniper - Juniper - Juniperus
- Asclepius - Milkweed - Asclepias syriaca
- Viga - Periwinkle - Vinca
- Vikos - Crown vetch- Vicia
- Visteria (Glytsina) - Wisteria - Wisteria
- Bulbs - all flowers derived from tubers are toxic
- Wuxi (Boxwood) - Boxwood - Buxus Sempervirens
- Snowdrop - Snowdrop - Ornithogalum umbellatum
- Jasmine - Jasmine - Jasminum
- Mistletoe or mistletoe - (mistletoe) - Mistletoe - Viscum album (parasitic plant other trees)
- Rings - Foxglove - Digitalis
- Mezereios Daphne - Daphne - Daphne Mezereum
- Daphne mountain - Mountain laurel - Kalmia latifolia
- Delphinium - Delphinium - Delphinium
- Poison Oak, Ivy, Hemlock, sumac
- Disentra - Bleeding heart - Lamprocapnos spectabilis
- Oak (Oak) - Oak tree - Quercus (and fruits)
- Eucalyptus - only the dried
- Euphorbias (spurge) - Spurge - Euphorbia
- Evonimos - Euonymus - Euonymus
- Hyacinth (Hyacinth) - Hyacinth - Hyacinthus
- Ilix (Cu) - Holly - Ilex Aquifolium (classic Christmas, fruits especially toxic)
- Iris - Iris - Iris
- Itamos (yew) - Yews - Taxus baccata
- Kalanchoe - Felt plant - Kalanchoe beharensis
- Kaladio - Caladium - Caladium
- Kaltha the elocharis - Mars marigold - Caltha palustris
- Calla (Zantedeskia) - Calla lily - Zantedeschia aethiopica
- Hemp - Marijuana plant - Cannabis
- Tobacco - Tobacco - Nicotinia
- Chestnut - Chestnut tree - Castanea (the tree only - the pith of the fruit is edible)
- Kafeothamnos - Coffee plants - Coffea
- Cherry - Cherry tree - Prunus avium (only the tree, the fruit, without the core is edible)
- Jerusalem cherry - Jerusalem cherry tree - Solanum pseudocapsicum (Decorative particularly toxic fruit)
- Ivy - Ivy - Hedera (All species except those explicitly reported as safe)
- Clematis (Agrabeli) - Clematis - Clematis
- Cleeve
- Artichokes - Elephant ear - Colocasia Esculenta
- Koromilia - Plum tree - Prunus (trunk, leaves, roots. The fruit is safe)
- Onions - Onions - Allium Cepa
- Lily - Lilium - Lilium
- Saffron (saffron-Saffron) - Crocus - Crocus
- cyclamens
- Lantana
- Sorrel (Agrioseskoulo) - Sorrel - Romex acetosa
- Privet - Privet Hedge - Ligustrum
- Lobelia - Lovelia - Lobelia
- Lupine - Lupine - Lupinus
- Mushrooms - Mushrooms
- Mafrostafylo (Phytolacca) - Pokeweed plant - Phytolacca Americans
- Eggplant - Eggplant - Solanum melongena (Stem, leaves, early fruits, ripe acceptable)
- MiG - Lily of the valley - Convallaria majalis
- Monstera
- Moschokarydo- Nutmeg - Myristica fragrans
- Sweet Pea - Sweet pea - Lathyrus odoratus
- Belladonna - Belladonna - Atropa belladonna
- Myrtle
- Narcissus - Daffodil- Narcissus
- Dieffenbachia - Dieffenbachia - Dieffenbachia
- Tomato - Tomato - Lycopersicon esculentum (root and sprout leaves)
- Evening Primrose - Four o 'clock - Mirabilis jalapa
- Ornithogalum - Star of Bethlehem - Ornithogalum
- Hydrangea - Ydrangeia - Hydrangea
- Peony - Peony - Paeonia
- Poppy - Poppy - Papaver. Note: The seed is safe and includes various ready packaged seed mixtures for birds. The plant as a whole is toxic.
- Parthenokissos - Virginia creeper - Parthenocissus quinquefolia
- Pashaloudis - Cowslip - Primula veris
- Potato - Potato - Solanum tuberosum (Shoots and the "eyes" of the potato)
- Oleander (Rhododendron) - Oleander - Nerium oleander
- Podofyllo - May apple - Podophyllum peltatum
- Desire - passion - Devil's ivy - Epipremnum aureum
- Pyracantha - Firethorn - Pyracantha
- Rhubarb - Rhubard - Rheum rhaponticum (Leaves)
- Ranougkoulos (Buttercup) - Buttercup - Ranunculus
- Castor - Castor bean - Ricinus communis
- Rovinj (psefdoakakia) - Black locust - Robinia (Acacia caution is safe)
- Peach - Peach tree - Nectarine tree - Prunus persica (trunk, leaves, flowers, seeds, not the fruit)
- Rhododendrons - Rhododendron - Rhododendron
- Climbing trumpet - Trumpet vines - Campsis radicans
- Sambuca (elderberries) - Elderberry - Sambucus (Attention, refer to its safe)
- Schefflera the antinofylli - Umbrella tree - Schefflera actinophylla (Caution indicates and safe)
- Spathiphyllum - Peach lily - Spathiphyllum
- Datura stramonium (Diavolochorto) - Jimson weed - Datura stramonium
- Strelitzas - Bird of paradise - Strelitzia
- Sygkonio
- Comfrey - Comfrey - Symphytum
- Maple Red - Red maple - Acer rubrum
- Thuja - White cedar - Thuja Occidentalis
- Tulips - Tulip - Tulipa
- Clover - Clover - Oxalis
- Sage - Sage - Salvia
- Bean - Bean plant - Phaseolus vulgaris (the only plant, fruit or boiled sprouts are edible)
- Ficus - Figs - Ficus (some species are listed and safe)
- Philodendron - Philodendron - Philodendron
- Chrysanthemums - Chrysantheumum - Chrysanthemum indicum
- Cone - Morning glory - Ipomoea purpurea
- Pseftoportokalia Mok - Mock orange - Poncirus
Seeds and spores
Toxic because they contain different levels of cyanide are the seeds of:- Pears
- apricots
- Plums
- Cherry
- Apples
- nectarines
- Peaches
Oxalic acid
The debate in the international community concerning the mode of oxalic acid in the body and health effects from eating foods rich in oxalic acid, is strong, although it seems to be taken for granted some elements not sufficiently substantiated by studies.It is said that:
- Oxalic acid binds calcium and iron, hampers their metabolism in the body.
- It is responsible for creating kidney stones.
First of all foods containing oxalates are those presumed is also very healthy and contain large amounts of iron and calcium. Moreover we know that the oxalates are reduced by at least 25% by boiling.
Not to get into hopeless anxiety process on food, the logic (and many doctors) is the variety as unique balance option.
Because although the precious spinach is rich in oxalates but how spinach and how often will give our birds to become harmful to their health?
switching food with a varied diet, allows us to use everything fresh, in-season.
for reproductive period, it is advisable to avoid them by offering the other seasons.
Here is to facilitate you some vegetables than those deemed to have increased prices and the content of oxalic acid:
prices are g / 100g
- Cucumber, 0.02 - Amaranth 1.09 - Endive 0.11 - Purslane 1.31
- 0.24 Sweet potato - Turnip 0.21 - Turnip greens 0.05 - 0.03 Gouli
- Corn 0.01 - 0.02 Calais - Carrot 0.50 - 1.26 cassava - Roasted 0.21 - coriander 0.01 - 0.02 Pumpkin - Cauliflower 0.15 - 0.05 Onions
- Brussels sprouts 0.36 - cabbage 0.45 - 0.10 Cabbage
- Parsley 1.70 - 0.33 Lettuce - Eggplant 0.19 - Okra 0.05 - Pea 0.05 - 0.19 Broccoli
- Watercress 0.31 - Tomato 0.05
- Potatoes 0.05 - Parsnips 0.04 - 0.04 Pepper
- Radish - 0.48
- Celery - 0.19 - 0.36 Garlic - Spinach - 0.97 - Asparagus 0.13 - 1.48 chives
- Green beans 0.36 - Beet leaves (beets) 0.61.
Learn how to distinguish between male and female cocktail
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