Secrets and information and method of rearing and feeding lovebirds

Beginning lovebirds are divided into two platoons:
1. faction Alvicher
2. faction Rose
I will provide a detailed explanation of his faction Alvicher (and especially as they are currently doing my platoon reared only) and a brief explanation of his faction Rose where 

breeding Alvicher not different breeding Rose:
First: how to choose the appropriate birds Educational:

1. beginning of the preferred choice of small birds age (age ranges from two and a half to three months) to be raised from the beginning, this ensures the jam and hobbyist that birds are at the beginning of her life, and thus be aware of all the development during a life cycle, and must also choose the birds from a trusted source, and therefore so as to ensure the jam they are free from any disease and also ensures its origins, and always take into account when choosing a bird to be well, and with a vibrant and clear, and that is the bird sound and full plumage, this also follows up the bird activity and movement in the cage, especially in the period the first to bring it, as it should be to isolate AT birds show symptoms of any illnesses that away from other birds until no longer be infected with contagious diseases whereupon the transfer of infection to the rest of the birds.

2. After selecting birds and small good occasion for the purpose of nurturing is placed in Slake or a large cage and large so that they can move freely and the starting point, and start feeding in a way particularly good they are small people, food is for her at this stage is very important, in the sense that the foundation will continue Flying it later and throughout his life, given it represents good food at the beginning of importance for birds young age.

Second bird food love:
And supports good food for birds and general small especially on diversity, in the sense it is known that food is the key for lovebirds is grain (Vlars - Dniba - Bnickam - the core of sunflower) is taken into account when mixing all these pills to be ratios suitable out of all proportion the type to the other type, meaning that, for example, it is known that the pills Filars is one of the cereals high value food but not this what it means to be the main food for the birds, due to what can be caused from the dangers for the birds, since the pills Filars cause severe obesity of the bird after the time of use quantities, may eventually lead to what is known Ptlies jumper, a be many fat in the body of the bird, especially in the lower abdomen area, which impedes the female for egg laying, and this Malanradh for our chicken, of course.
So the jam that must be mixed with food during the work of Home for birds shall be 

quantities following order:
First bulk quantity of pills for Dniba then followed pills Abannickam (can be in the winter to be equal to the Dniba) and then immediately followed by pills Filars, that Filars be less than all the existing grain in the amalgam, and for pulp sunflower, although no preferential profile of him, but jam can put a small core of some of its sunflower pot as a kind of change in front of the bird.

In addition to the diet dry, a grain which has already been referred to, it must be on the jam that extends birds some meals soft, such as lettuce, watercress, alfalfa, carrots, radishes, all these vegetables represent good food and effective, it needs the bird, both small birds or large alike, and of course I am a Aaqsd that all previously vegetables once putting it in front of the bird, but I mean he is diversification in these types where they are once put lettuce and arugula time ... .. and so on.

In addition to the foregoing, there is an important element for the bird which is a protein, since these birds in nature feed on the type of worms, the duration necessary protein him, and of course, this type of food is not available to the breeders, but it is replaced by another from the food type and is boiled eggs and Almehroos and genitive Rusk crunched, and are mixed well and placed in a small pot in front of the bird, and this is a good protein for birds, especially during the spawning and feeding Alafarrak small as we shall see later.

Third stage of growth and the attainment of the birds:

1. After the birds up to the age of 6 or 7 months, almost a new phase begins in her life, which is adulthood, but it is up to the stage of puberty incomplete in almost the age of 10 months, and because of the difficulty to identify the male and female is somewhat at the age of 6 or 7 months it should be at this particular point that the jam in pursuing his birds well, where will notice the response among some birds and each other means the beginning choose the male to female, and will appear so clearly in front of him through caresses and play, which takes place between birds and each other, and which can identify the harmonious birds among them, and he repeats that he must Jaidah follow-up to this subject will be given the consequent events afterwards.

2. After making sure that the jam males choose females and compatibility between them comes a new phase in the life of the bird is the stage of mating between birds and each other, which requires certain things which will be explained later.

3. After that bird begins in harmony with each other are moved each pair of birds to a cage alone until they are ready for mating between male and female, and here I remember the jam must be that he must choose cages suitable for the birds in terms of space, ie be of suitable size and no longer be small in size so that the bird did not feel the malaise which reflected his mood.
It also must jam to choose the appropriate article used in the manufacture of the cage, and is considered cages made of wire of the best suitable materials for breeding birds, as the wooden cages is not suitable due to the bird eating wood and breaking exposing them to fly, which is the best of cages made of wood much as I insects prefer to stay in cages made of wood, comparing her relatively short and is made cages of wire, and here also must make it clear that there are breeders Maevdil education in cages and preferred education in Slakat, here allow me to compare the work of a simple between breeding and hatching in cages, 

breeding and hatching in Alslakat and the hobbyist to choose Mainasabh:

- Known for lovebirds It's the bigger whenever Azdadt nature fiercer, breeding in cages separate prevent the occurrence of any losses between birds and each other, especially if there are sheets of small, these Alafarrak out at the beginning of Aftamha from the nest to the outside displays them at great risk from the rest in birds in Asalake

- Sometimes there will be some birds with sheets and others lying on the egg, which diet different each requires. If the jam does education in cages can put food appropriate for the birds with which spawned small, and also for the birds that with eggs, whether it was during the increase in the amount Filars or lay eggs Bbaksmat or otherwise, while if the jam is education in Asalake it he can not do it, the birds are all in Asalake eat from the pot one, meaning that the birds be with it spawned a small example, you need to quantities and qualities Other than the food, but it's certainly not going to be able to get it if they are in Slake.

- Also of the advantages of education in cages separate, it's the death of the male or female or flight, including one of the cage, it will be easy to jam in this case know the bird that was lost or died, making it easier for him knowing jumper remaining, he can in this case to bring The new bird to him, and begins the process of mating between them, while at the Asalake the topic will be much harder, so that the jam from the beginning difficult for him to know the bird that died, whether it is male or female, if male, where female partner in Asalake, ie that jam enters in a spiral rather difficult, especially if there is Balslake large amount of birds, and then jam also find it difficult how to marry the only jumper in Asalake, here are out of the question to those who say that the breeding birds in Asalake easier than education in the cages, provided all of the bird lay at the age of small in the beginning, and this means of course that which I can to put a new bird instead of a bird that died or flew, because in this case would be considered an outsider on the total of birds in the former, which would expose him to danger, then what can we do jam in this case ???? ??????

- That is why I would like to say that it is my personal view and my experience process in breeding birds Alvicher, I think that breeding birds Alvicher in cages is the best breeding methods, and learned it the way in which most of the major farm Aruban abroad, and so as I saw it, but Truth be told I can confirm that the breeding birds in Slakat considered much easier than education in the cages, especially in the case of large quantities of the hobbyist reared, due to their respective cages of durable service and continuous in terms of both the development of food and water, cleaning each cage separately, and this Fact money you need education in Asalake.

Fourth stage mating among birds:

1. After placing each pair of birds in a cage on alone (Male and Female) and make sure they are male and female, and have the bird has reached age appropriate for mating, it is placed Alh his particular specifications specifications fit lovebirds, and for the nests are virtually unheard of standards at the most breeder almost have to rise 23 cm, width 20 cm which is generally accepted for this bird standards, you may find that some of the amateurs put nests may be a little bigger.

2. for substances that can love birds that lay eggs on them, the fact there are several types of raw materials for this purpose, I will mention amateur breeder, and I will describe how to deal with each of them, and I will describe my personal experience also in this issue and the hobbyist to choose Mainasabh.

Of the materials used for this purpose there is bagasse and sawdust and Kareena palm.

- For the bagasse, the jam is Bohoudarha then wash them well to get rid of any material be stuck out, then placed to dry well, and then after that jam by placing them into the nest or outside the nest and the birds and then putting eggs on them.

- For the sawdust, the jam is Bohoudarha to be smooth, and that was put in the nest, and then the bird eggs on them.

- Finally, there is Karina palm trees which are being brought in, and some of them are placed inside the nest and some amateurs are developing some outside the nest where the birds by placing themselves inside the nest, and then format the nest from inside their own way, and then you place the eggs.

Reality for comparison between previous types is my personal opinion that the use of bagasse in the hatchery requires a great effort from a jam start of the process of getting it, then clean it cleans well of any impurities be stuck him, then very well washed with water to get rid of AT sugary its materials, and then leave it to dry well after that, and then put in cages and nests, and also this does not guarantee a good cleanliness from any sugary material be stuck doing the attracting insects and ants upon which represents a major threat to the birds and eggs and Alafarrak small, for the sawdust it maligned the eggs sometimes dive within it, especially that he must be very smooth, but I and my personal experience, I have found that the best material to be used for breeding are hypertext Carina, already are considered the best materials used for this purpose, and is by putting the appropriate amount within the nest in order to bleaching by birds, and the jam to choose Mainasabh of these different materials.

Fifth mated love birds and spawning season:

1. usually Maabdo mating and spawning season for love birds in the winter, and must jam that already choose this time for the beginning of spawning season has, as the weather is suitable to the process of hatching best of the summer, usually Maabdo mating season of 10 months and ends in the month of 7 almost (there are some birds terminated last month in Farrakha 6).

2. after it is mating among birds, the female egg formation begins in preparation for spawning, and should jam in the period, subject to certain things, such as not to move the cages a lot of possibly can, causing concern for birds, as well as attention to food submitted for the birds in terms of quality and diversity, as well as interest laying eggs and breadcrumbs and especially since it is the foods your important during egg formation, as well as attention to developing bones of calcium because of the usefulness of the large birds and eggs, as well as attention must be paid specifically put watercress and almost daily during this period because of arugula of the great benefits in this area.

3. The female lays usually between 3 to 6 eggs, and sometimes more than that as it sometimes can put Female 8 Auahaana 9 Adat but the fact is considered exceptional cases.

4. The female sits on the eggs between 22 to 24 days and the greater the degree of the cooler air whenever Madt duration of the Dormition of the female eggs two or three and possibly four days.

5. The female is doing Balrkad the eggs, the male may help or not help her because there is no rule of thumb for these partial reality, but it's certainly a help in feeding its young and this proven fact.

6. should jam during the period of the eggs and the lie he has to reduce some kind of pills Filars, eggs Breaded, where he also previously mentioned, the value of foodstuffs are high and the corresponding lack of movement or effort of the bird because of the Dormition of the female egg, which may cause severe obesity the bird, hampered eggs later.

7. eggs begin to hatch after the time that we set previously and birds begin a new phase, a phase feeding young, and upbringing.

8. must jam at this point that helps birds during feed them to their young, and then providing them with adequate food and the first day of hatching eggs, Eggs Breaded most important element diet for small sheets of newly hatched, in addition to increasing the amount of Filars used, as for Okhov the birds are currently , because of the effort exerted to feed their pups several times a day, and this, of course, in addition to other grains as known as Aldniba and Abannickam Considering these pills and as I have already made clear is the main food for these birds, addition of course to the fresh vegetables, which previously have outlined before.

9. The young feed for a period ranging from 30 days to 40 days until the young are able to feed themselves.

10 - After Alafarrak small growth of the jam isolating birds and small Aftamha from her parents so that parents can complete the process of mating again.

11. After isolating big birds for her parents must jam and hobbyist that watched for a day or two so make sure they eat already drink, and Sharing sure by holding the bird and feel Houselth to make sure that the food, and if the jam found that the bird did not eat can be traced back to his parents for a day or two days and then depose him once again, and also the follow up on it until quite sure he eats and drinks alone.
Types of lovebirds:
First, there are species scattered and there are varieties of few non-proliferation

For types scattered:

1. Alvicher green (and color of red, green, and red color of the beak)

2. bluegrass Fisher (Blue and color tends to green light and a black head and beak color white)

3. intentions of Blue (and white in color, but his body diffuse light blue (the color of the beak and white)

For the few types of deployment:

1. Fisher albino (white in color but net and eyes the color red and the color of the beak White)

2. Move Fisher (and color black, and gray and black head and beak color white)

3. cobalt) and color of dark blue and black head (color and white beak)

4. Split White (white in color and the color of the net and black eyes and beak color white)

5. Latinos Fisher (Raig and yellow eyes and a red head color red beak and red)

6. Yellow Split (and its color is yellow Net black eyes and a red beak)

7. Vailut cobalt (blue in color and has a heavy glitter and color jetty head and beak color white)

That there are some other types, but currently no room to mention and I will, God willing soon to talk about in detail, God willing.

Some feedback from our breeding birds Alvicher and hatched their food and the jam must 

be observed:

1. attention must always cleanly used for drinking water, as well as wash the containers used for drinking.

2. Birds must be placed in cages suitable in terms of area and quality of cages used.

3. should pay attention to the proportions required for mixed grain used to feed the birds.

4. Clean the nest must be very well after each chick in preparation for a new eggs, and sprayed with any pesticides safe for birds to get rid of any insects or Fash.

5. In case of death male or female or fly one of them, should not the new jumper placed directly with the old bird, but must wait a bit so that the old bird has a desire and willingness for mating with a new bird, given the ferocity love birds and especially if it is too old.

6. When choosing a new bird should be appropriate in terms of age for the other birds as possible.

7. cages must be put in places airy and light which represented a great importance for the life and health of the bird.

8. should not change places the birds so much of what can be caused by that of anxiety and stress for the bird.

9. must jam all the time that is introducing new birds to be able to change the genetic traits with his birds, where it is known that birds weakened genetic characteristics over time, which always requires the introduction of new birds each period.
There are 

10-Important Note for the novice breeding lovebirds whether or Alvicher Rose is that it should not be putting these Alveseltan jam with each other even Ataatm including mating process, where the result is that the birds are sterile Atnjb.

11-must jam that the closure of the nests in the summer until the bird rest of the spawning season, and prefers not to be left bleaching in the summer due to what caused this severe fatigue for the birds, but he must during the summer that cares fed and nurtured well taken care of in order to be fully prepared for hatching well during the spawning season.
This is for the birds Alvicher, for birds Rose, there is no disagreement between them and the breeding birds Alvicher, except in the bird pies Alvicher form and is known as characterized by its small size a little bit about bird Rose, in addition to the eyelid bird Alvicher considered eyelid Mzdug while eyelid bird Rose is eyelid Single .

Each Mahnalk is that he is not permitted to mating between two faction because of damage already mentioned, which is that the birds are birds produce sterile).

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