Who among us does not know Hamtaro
Little with his girlfriend, the winner
Cartoon films
It is a personal and life Akiah
He rat hamster
I have a desire and am seriously thinking Bagtnaih
And his mind wanders to those who desire unruly myself
The oldest of his hands such comprehensive information
For this animal ste ^^
Hamster comprehensive information 17885.png
What is the hamster ??
It is not a rodent Pfor ... between the rabbit and mouse
Mokhtfattmama shape for the mouse ... and differentiates mostly in the absence of a tail and short ears ... There Anwaektarh with long hair looks like a game.
The origin or history ??
Terpyalhamstr the first time in America ... and since then it was considered a pet or Ahioanbeta.
There Syria ... and called Paljold hamsters (golden hamster), a Aloktrchiuaa ... and I'm his best because its shape resembles a mouse is not acceptable.
As originally Alrosiochina ... resemble mouse dramatically ... and shapes nasty ... Chinese color Rmadioajunh big like gerbils.
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Is it true that the hamster moves Ootaon diseases ??
The answer is no ... where that immunity is very weak, and if any monuments Imutfora disease ... other than gerbils or mice whose immunity strong and convey many diseases.
Oatkdldi single needle Takia scabies once every 6 months.
How do I buy hamsters?
Read enough for the hamster and how to take care of it before you buy it.
Azhbaly animals replaced after a period of age ... because the hamster's nocturnal animal ... It is possible Onla notes activity in the morning.
Take along a small cage-like cage in which it is placed fish ... do not leave it for a long time in this cage ... because it is a narrow and poorly ventilated.
Hamsters live for a period of two or three max ... so you must attend one small age of 4 to 8 weeks ... where the little hamster brought up to the owner to quickly and easily the largest ... not Tstrihamstr less than two weeks old for the possibility of his death.
Choose a hamster most active ... must have his nose clean, dry and free of impurities ... and his eyes to Amatan ... Call Mnsahab shop that allows you to grasp the hamster ... and examine his body well ... must be ... you should not Jsmhjav have wounds or hair-free zones.
If you want to buy a pair of hamsters ... or want to buy a male and a female ... Ask the shop owner for Trivhtzaugem ... because it is possible to simply start Baltark when they grow up.
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What do I buy with hamster ?
1. cage includes (tray of water and a small house and wheel)
2. food
3. sawdust
4. Games
Hutch: You must have an area of 50 * 35 Smkhd minimum.
And it is divided into several sections:
1. cage made of wire.
Fit start with one hamster and not such as raising.
1-ventilated excellent
2. Cheap
3. available in all sizes
1. It is possible that dirties the place of sawdust around it ... it is impossible to put large shapes in the house .. the large dirt thrown out of the cage.
2. If the wires of the floor ... it will be Assabalmshee (small hamster only)
3. It is possible that rust
Plastic cage:
A variety of forms and types and sizes to suit everyone
1. gives you a complete and clear vision for the hamsters.
2. Do not thrown anything from sawdust Alkhcbforeig cage.
3. strikingly beautiful shape.
4. can Gdhavp corridors and tunnels which are made by Chbhalonvaq Alhamutair in nature.
1. What Imananuaa Ghali.
2. requires special packet of water.
3-some lanes are narrow (large Hamstrat only)
4-Some types of difficult to clean.
There is the kind of Dehmthel rack slider from the bottom ... Shaibah bird cage ... and this Tnzivhosra.
Sawdust: Below are placed to absorb Paul hamster smells old and Roaihaltaam which is cheap ... somewhat ... put a handful of little hands once Klasbua cage
Note: hamster clean animal and has no smell ... If you notice the smell of Graybhvi cage ... just good clean cage and the smell will be gone from it.
Wheel :
If Kanalagafs does not contain the wheel should you bring him one because it is not a luxury but dominated the basics ... and be used to train a hamster.
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Hamster food:
Hamster eats most cereals They come Makhlth especially for hamsters ... must apples, broccoli and Mazmalkhaddrawat ... do not feed him sweets and chocolates ... you must have a small dish Aodafeeh food.
Games: Games biting ... and comes in many forms ... a task Oadhalki does not become the very long hamster's teeth.
Hamster ball
You can put inside a hamster to wander the house and have fun without hurting one.
Do not leave the hamster Fayalkrh for more than 30 minutes ... because it is possible to get dizzy and then begins to vomit.
Other Accessories (possible to be present in the cage)
1. A small house: it puts some sawdust and some food.
2. dish of food.
3. tray to the bathroom to relieve .. ... can be a little dirt in the development of ...
With this ... we ... we bought a beautiful hamsters, tools and a clean and excellent cage.
Where do I put the cage:
To Atdah ... in direct sunlight or in warm places ... hamster does not like the heat ... but the pregnant female want some warmth.
Tame or constipation hamster:
Hamsters animal weak and scared (many fear) ... and resort to biting when afraid ... but the bite is very small and not painful.
Put Alhamitr in the new cage and let him almost Mdhsaotain to explore the place.
Put a little food and make your hand within a short Alagafsalfterh to get used to the smell and learns that this thing (hand) is harmless.
Spoke Amaalhamstr to get used to your voice ... Word constantly, especially when the food situation.
Ahmlalhamstr hand ... and sit on the ground ... because it is possible to jump out of your hand and is a patch of ground.
If Ajzt that hamster Aedk constantly ... Vordjah to his place for a further period and Haolmerh on the second day.
Do not squeeze the hamster or pull it from his head, and must Eugdahrav adults tomorrow wishes of children caught him.
How Cleaning
Remove Ncharhalkhcb terrestrial and Bdelha once a week .... Put him water a day
To Aaokl hamster more than he needs ... so do not be afraid to put a medium amount in the cage.
He stores his food ... please do not fully vandalized ... just remove the food stored text.
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First, general information about the hamster
• Syrian hamster is the most common species and the best one in Education
• puberty two months to arrange his marriage and is starting from the age of 3 months
• pregnancy when the hamster 16-18 day period
• The number of births at birth from 5-18 hamsters
Second, why eat a hamster?
• You must know, my dear teacher that he could hamster eating processed meat, such as worms and insects, but this is a trader
• eat hamster's a day of dry matter about 15 grams of water and about 10 ms
• delicatessen factory a few presence and expensive
• You can bring the following:
600 grams Yellow corn Mdchoch
Earn 160 grams soy
250 gram pulp Syrian (Love Solar)
10 grams salt
• vegetables are placed in moderation throughout the day, such as lettuce and parsley and watercress
• Water must be available in the private mesqa Balhamstr (be fitted with a calamity such as drip systems) and changes every day
• forbidden foods: lemon - orange - desserts - chocolate
• you must remove the old food store in the staff's food fresh daily to prevent damaged
• Oktheralatamh favorite hamsters
Rice-Dhirh- Thom- Islands -belh red-bean Sudana- live Venu
Third, the right environment for the hamsters
• hamsters live in nature at a temperature ranging from 18-24 degrees
• In hot climates with Arab countries in the summer it must be observed Hamster put in well-ventilated place and provide him Bastmraa water and change the bedding regularly and prevent congestion
• cages available for hamsters must take into account the breeder to be well-ventilated and suitable space and easy to clean
• allocated to each area hamsters
Male and female non-holder 150 cm 2
Pregnant female 800 cm 2
• forbidden ground wire
Fourth most dangerous things on the health of hamsters
• See forbidden foods
• neglect and delays in the treatment of diarrhea
• Good ventilation in a non-elevated temperature with congestion in the cage
• The existence of the male with the female in the last week of pregnancy and during and after birth two weeks
• limiting or excessive feeding on a hamster with vegetables only
• protect hamsters either water or water only Wi-Cleaner
V. What loves hamster
• Running for a distance of kilometers at night in the roller ball
• multiplicity of units in the house of hamster
• Having played at home pipes (houses supplied these are expensive, unfortunately)
Sixth Why hates hamsters
• any noise around him, especially during the day is a nocturnal animal activity
• wake him from sleep suddenly (possible Aedk)
• Having a partner in the same house during pregnancy
Seventh km hamsters should Buy a?
• Syrian hamsters (golden) lives alone in nature and meet during the mating at night, especially female, so do not worry about Syrian hamsters from the unit either male prefers the female providing him.
• Dwarf hamsters can exist with a female partner until the date of birth and then separates
Eighth how to clean the hamster
• strictly prohibited warm hamster most important thing that cleans the place and it will clean itself
Ninth place clean hamster
• Brush your favorite is a coarse sawdust (prevents soft) or clip small pieces of paper
• in plastic cages Astkhadd m chlorine detergent either in the corps used vehicles Alfenik phenol compound
• special care to clean Staff
X. his favorite toys
• scroll wheel
Oktralamrad infecting hamster
• Diarrhea Diarrhea
Causes and treatment
1-contagious diarrhea is the result of a change in the nature of eating and food provided here should stop providing vegetables and fruit sufficiency immediately with water and dry food until heals
2-contagious diarrhea is often the result of bacterial poisoning bacteria Salmonella salmonella and E. coli E.coli Alaichirichiya
Treatment and be here quickly and not be neglected, lest leads to the death of a hamster and Treatment depends on giving the antibiotic suitable for oral and injectable treatment with fluids for 5 days
Important note: If hamsters exposed to infectious diarrhea, avoid touching your hand hamster bedding naked but wearing plastic gloves
• sore nipples, pus purulent mastitis
Causes and treatment
At the beginning of the appearance of the teeth in the birth injure nipple during breast-feeding mother error and then it enters infection and treatment is quite easy and depends on giving antibiotics and surgical intervention
But if neglected problem causes the bacteria to enter the blood and the appearance of boils all over the body and the death of the animal Bacteremia
• problem devouring birth cannibalism
Causes and prevention
As a result of the vulnerability of the boat hamster to give birth any nervous pressure, such as noise or the presence of the male or the heat or marriages before the age of maturity
Or injuries or birth defects in newborns
Prevention relies on providing quiet as the place and not to touch the hamster during childbirth and provide a suitable place to give birth
Hamster fast breeding animal, if increased numbers and say, food is no longer enough .. hamsters organize mass suicide operations itself with water to sink.
-alhamstr Unlike the mouse, so if faced .. never more than in the same curiosity and approaching the cat to explore rather than flee.
-anam Hamster in most of the day, and often dreamed of a hamster, so that may move or crawls or issued voices unconsciously.
-asinan Hamster does not stop growing .. and so must our response whenever the length was increased at the vet, and no need to worry the process is not painful at all.
-hamstr Russian winter Dwarf Winter White Russian Hamsters, which is owned by the majority, it changes color to white in winter (very cold) and one month, and last month Ergh his natural color.
-asttia Hamster movement and exercise of its activity in the dark and dim light through the sense of smell ..
View hamster is very weak comparison to the smell and hearing.
-aandashaour Hamster scared somewhere .... it empties or throwing what has previously stored the food from a storage pockets, and it is assisted by a speed escape