Types of birds Albadjy or Australian

My brothers loved ones that Albadjy who is currently divided into seven sections, namely Australian Albadjy normal, and we all know what a bird is a normal size, which we are used to see it all and called in the Egyptian market and the Australian bird image
Albadjy normal (Australian)

The second type of Albadjy a kind, which was reached globally through the election of the genetic traits of Badji normal access to this level by a Albadjy the English universally known
Albadjy the English

The third type of Albadjy the type that has commercial amateur produce it by marrying Albadjy the English purified to Australian Albadjy a normal size has resulted in the birds strong their bodies, but without the size of the English and head size nor Grin As mentioned our brother, and in order to do business vogue for this type of Albadjy dubbed traders Alhiurk name in order to be a new commodity subject to the spread and question them and this is a picture of one of these birds

As you can see my brothers and the forces of the body but not the same size as the English are not in the body and in the head

Type IV, V and VI are as explained in the previous completely, but it increases the recipe tassel

Badji Shusha

Badji English Bouchoucha

And the center between the two and is also in the markets Alhiurk Abu Shusha, of course, is a misnomer, there is no so-called Balhiurk absolutely

Either type VII Dear brothers which is called Balhajoromo called villas in the market and there is of it in Egypt is weak strains and this image is one of the most beautiful types Albadjy absolutely

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