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Habitat - Description Song / Call Common Kingfisher

European Kingfishers

European KingfisherThe Common Kingfishers (Alcedo atthis) are known by other names: the European Kingfisher, the Eurasian Kingfisher and the River Kingfisher.

Distribution / Habitat:
These tiny Kingfishers have seven recognized subspecies. These subspecies claim a wide distribution across Europe, Asia and North Africa. The nominate race - A. a. atthis - is found in Italy. They are also found in the Western Cape of South Africa. In most of its European range, this is the onlykingfisher.
They remain primarily in their range, but will migrate to more temperate climates by coastal waters in the winter. Especially when inland waters are icebound, they may move to tidal marshes and the shore. They will seek food sources in estuaries or harbors along rocky seashores.
In areas with warmer temperatures, the Common Kingfishers inhabit clear, slow-flowing streams, rivers, mangrove creeks, swamps and lakes which are surrounded by copious amounts of vegetation. They are often seen perching in tree branches that hang over the shallow water and often hunt from nearby bushes.
The Common Kingfishers prefer to inhabit a temperate climate and will migrate after breeding season to more favorable conditions as cold weather approaches. Kingfishers are nocturnal travelers, with some Siberian species traveling at least 3,000 km (1,900 mi) between their breeding sites and their winter abodes.
They are frequently seen beside lakes, ponds, canals or dykes and streams, foraging for food.
Common Kingfisher range map

Common or Eurasian Kingfisher, Alcedo atthisDescription:
The Common Kingfisher is no larger than a sparrow, with an average length of ~ 19 cm (7.5 inches) and wing length of 7.5 cm (2.95 inches).
Its features are typical of most Kingfishers: a short tail, large head in profile, and a long, sturdy bill.
The upper parts of the adult bird is mostly bright metallic blue, including the head. The back is cobalt and one can see greenish reflections on the head and wings.
The plumage below is orange. The ear coverts (feathers covering the ears) and under parts are warm chestnut, the chin and sides of neck white.
The bill is blackish and reddish orange at the base. The legs are bright red with a dark blue stripe.
The immature bird have black bills.
The rufus ear patches distinguish it from nearly all of the other subspecies.

Female Common or Eurasian Kingfisher, Alcedo atthisBehavior / Habits:
This Kingfisher has regular perches or stands from which it fishes. It sits upright, its tail pointed downwards, suddenly dropping with a splash and usually returning at once with a its prey.
The flight of the Kingfisher is rapid;, the short rounded wings whirring until they appear a mere blur. It is usually seen flying near the water, but during courtship the male chases the female through and over the trees with loud shrill whistles.
The Common Kingfisher will skim close to the water’s surface in search of food. The short, round wings create a whirring sound as it flies, and one can glimpse a flash of shiny blue down its back as he speeds away.
Common Kingfishers are beneficial members of ecosystems since they are expert indicators of freshwater community health. Clear, clean water provides trees and shrubs on banks for perching and following prey; the habitats possessing the highest quality water sources also permit the most favorable visibility and will attract the greatest number of breeding birds.
The presence of the Kingfishers in these habitats confirms the quality of the water.

European KingfisherSong / Call:
The Common Kingfisher’s flight call is a sharp, brief whistle, sounding like a “chee” and repeated two or three times.
When startled or anxious, it emits a harsh “shrit-it-it.”
From February onwards the male has a trilling song, a modulated repetition of many whistles. He also signals with a whistle to the female when he is feeding her, this being his share of the nesting duties. This whistle is produced even when his bill is loaded with food, yet is clear and distinct.
The female will reply and emerge from the nesting hole, and may fly to meet him, take the fish from him in the air, and return to the nest.
The young call the parents in to feed them by making a “churring” sound.


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