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What do you know about the bearded eagle, one of the types of birds of prey?

The bearded eagle is one of the types of vultures of the old world and a large carnivorous bird and is characterized by great skill and intelligence in hunting prey and is abundant on the cliffs of high mountains and we will notice that the females are larger than the males. Unlike other eagles, the bearded eagle is one of the types of birds of prey and unlike Most eagles do not come bald. the first site specialized in caring for pets, we will provide you with the most important information and facts about the bearded eagle, one of the vultures of the ancient world.

bearded eagle

  • Information about the bearded vulture, a species of Old World vulture
    Characteristics of a bearded eagle

  • bearded eagle food

  • Home of the bearded eagle

  • bearded eagle behavior

  • Bearded Eagle Reproduction

Characteristics of a bearded eagle

1- Characteristics of a bearded eagle

This eagle is characterized by an attractive appearance and beautiful colors. It is characterized by a relatively small head, a thick and strong neck, and two large strong feet. We find that the color of the adult bearded hawks is dark gray, hazel, and white together. The color of the wings, back and upper part of the body is dark gray, and the forehead of the eagle is creamy white. The eyes are a black stripe that extends to the bottom of the chin to form what looks like a beard, hence this name was given to it. We find the color of the head, chest and feet hazel in different degrees, which is acquired from the dust baths of the bearded eagle, or from drinking water rich in minerals. The weight of the bearded eagle ranges from 4.5 to 7.5 kg.

2- Food for a bearded eagle

  • The bearded eagle is considered a litter animal that feeds on carrion and dead animals and its diet consists of bone marrow at rates ranging between 85-90% in addition to animal species such as rabbits, mice, squirrels, snakes, bird eggs, grasshoppers, fish, bats, frogs, and toads Lizards, small and medium-sized birds.

3- The home of the bearded eagle

The bearded vulture is found abundantly in mountainous regions from Europe to Asia and Africa. In Eurasia, the bearded eagle lives in the Pyrenees, the Alps, the Caucasus, the Zagros, the Greater, the Antai, the Himalayas, western and central China, the occupied Palestinian territories, and the Arabian Peninsula. In Africa, the bearded vulture also lives in the Atlas Mountains, the highlands of Ethiopia, and down Sudan to northeastern Zaire, central Kenya, and northern Tanzania.

4- The behavior of the bearded eagle

The bearded eagle is distinguished by its behavior, skill and intelligence in catching prey, as it takes advantage of the earth's gravity to its advantage and raises large pieces of bone at heights ranging from 50-150 meters and then drops them towards the rocks, and they fall from above at a high speed and are destroyed as a result of the collision, and in this way the bearded eagle can obtain bone marrow Easily.
The bearded eagle attacks live animals such as turtles, where he carries them and lifts them up and then drops them as he drops the bones, in order to break the carapace and feed on what is inside. Very quickly it crumbles in front of him and gets the marrow.

5- The breeding of the bearded eagle

This eagle mates from December to mid-February and lays one to two eggs, which hatch after 53-58 days. The young depend for food on the parents until they are two years old. The bearded eagle builds its nests in hidden places that are impossible for mammals that feed on nests and eggs, such as Steep ledges, caves, rocky outcrops and more.
 bearded eagle


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