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What are the benefits of orange for pet birds and how to present it?

 Benefits of orange fruit ornamental birds of many different as we know it is a winter fruit loved by adults and children thanks to the great benefits and is also of importance for major birds especially ornamental goldfinch and canary Albadji and zebra parrots because rich in vitamin c as well as nutrients useful , such as fructose , mineral salts, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and today will offer , the first site specialized in caring for pets, you have the most important benefits of oranges as food for ornamental birds and the way to present them.

1- The benefits of oranges for pet birds

  • It is an effective tonic for all types of pet birds and helps in enhancing their activity and movement.

  • Works to fight all cancerous diseases that can affect birds.

  • Helps treat colds in pet birds.

  • Orange strengthens the digestive and nervous systems of birds.

  • Treats all skin diseases and scabies when pet birds.

  • Orange is an effective treatment for cough and flu in birds.

  • Works to reduce cholesterol and fats in the body of birds.

  • Helps in stimulating blood circulation and the heart in birds.

  • Contributes to the treatment of fever in birds and kills worms in the stomach of birds.

  • It strengthens the stomach and teeth of birds and treats wounds.

  • It helps in strengthening the bones, nails, teeth and hair of all pet birds.

Orange benefits for birds

2- How to present oranges to pet birds

Squeeze the orange and extract the substance in the peel and mix with the juice, then mix with water and change every 24 hours and use it for 5 days and repeat the process monthly when needed.

3- How to take care of pet birds at home

  • It is necessary to  pay attention to the cleanliness of the cage, walls, rooms, mating and breeding houses, washing the floor of the cage with soap and water once a month, separating it from the cage, cleaning it well, drying it, and then putting it back again.

  • Take care to avoid raising dust near birds to protect them from respiratory infection and conjunctivitis.

  • Make sure the birds are well ventilated to get rid of carbon dioxide, taking into account that the birds are not exposed to air currents, and therefore the cage must be covered while leaving a third of it naked so that the birds do not catch colds and flu.

  • Provide reasonable amounts of food for pet birds, in addition to giving them small amounts of fresh fruits and vegetables 3 times a week, such as “carrots, apples, cauliflower, cucumber, corn”.

  • Water for birds must be renewed daily, and it must be clean and fresh.

  • Ensure the cleanliness of eating utensils and water for birds.

  • It must be taken into account to give the necessary and necessary vaccinations for birds under the supervision of the veterinarian.


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