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Learn about the 10 most beautiful birds in the world - pictures

Everyone wonders about the most beautiful bird in the world, and the truth is that many of the birds in the world are really beautiful, however, there are birds that we must stand amazed at by their mesmerizing beauty or by their striking features that attract many bird lovers, and they are what we call the most beautiful birds in the world, There are about 10,000 birds all over the world, and each of them is unique in some way. There are birds that are distinguished in the beauty of feathers, size, communication, migration behavior or mating performances. Therefore, when talking about the most beautiful birds in the world, we will find that opinions can be It differs from one person to another according to his vision of these birds, and today we have chosen 10 of the most beautiful birds in the world from our point of view. We hope you will like it.

 10. The ruby ​​macaw is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The magnificent sapphire bird is about 100 cm long, and it is one of the largest flying parrots in the world. The macaw inhabits semi-arid areas and savannah pastures in northern Brazil. The number of macaws has decreased in the past few years, so that there are no more than 5000 macaws left in the world, and that For several reasons, the loss of their living quarters and hunting are the main reasons for the decline in their numbers. In addition to its large size, the macaw is famous for its amazing blue plumage with bright yellow rings around the eyes. Because of its wonderful color, it is also called the blue parrot. The macaw has a long and beautiful tail. Macaws as a pet, but need to provide a lot of space to move in, they are very playful creatures, but they are not as skilled in mimicry of speech as other types of Macaws.

 9. Mandarin ducks are among the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The mandarin duck is perhaps one of the most amazingly colorful water birds in the whole world. The male mandarin duck has a green-purple colored head, as well as a white belly and dark red chest. Along the neck, the mandarin duck has attractive white and narrow stripes, and its wings are patterned in blue, while the female The mandarin is not as colorful as the male, it has a gray or brown head with a white belly and white spotted breast. The male mandarin uses its brilliant colors to attract the female in the mating season. Mandarin ducks live in swamps and rivers in North America.

 8. The Bohemian Wax is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The Bohemian Wax Bird is a medium-sized songbird that has a crested head and a distinctive black mask. It is a gray and brown bird, and has white and yellow edged wings, so it is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The Bohemian Wax bird lives in the northern forests of North America. , especially in Canada and Alaska, and in winter large flocks of the Bohemian bird migrate to the northern parts of the United States, and they are birds that live on tree branches and feed mainly on insects and berries.

7- The blue jay is one of the most beautiful birds in the world:

beautiful birds

The blue jay is one of the most intelligent and beautiful birds in the world, and this beautiful bird was found in the forests of eastern and central North America, and this bird is characterized by wonderful blue, white and black feathers, the distinctive feature of this amazing bird is its wonderful song, which is a means of communication between it and other birds It is also characterized by imitating the sounds of other birds, and besides its striking appearance, this bird is famous for its intelligence.

The jay can steal other birds’ nests, and it can mimic the sound of hawks to scare away other birds, and bluebirds are social birds and live in small flocks, but in the winter and during migration to the south, the blue bird forms large flocks of hundreds of birds, and this bird’s behavior continues during Migration is a mystery to scientists, as not all birds migrate during the winter, but some birds remain in their lands during the winter.

6- The Atlantic puffin is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The Atlantic puffin is a small sea bird that adapts well to the environment in which it lives. The puffin lives in the coastal region of the northern United States and eastern Canada. The puffin is also called the sea parrot, due to its huge multi-colored penguin-like feathers, and the puffin lives most Its life on the sea, its water-resistant feathers keep its bodies warm while swimming, and it flaps its wings to swim on the surface and underwater.

The Atlantic puffin is a skilled swimmer that can dive up to 60 meters under the surface of the water, and these beautiful birds can reach 55 miles per hour by flapping wings that can reach 44 times per minute, and puffins breed during the spring and summer on islands The North Atlantic Ocean, and builds a nest consisting of feathers and herbs in burrows on the cliffs, and the female puffin lays one egg and takes 45 days to hatch, and after hatching, the parents leave the nest to search for food for their young such as small fish, and the Atlantic puffin can carry between 10 - 30 fish in his huge beak.

 5- The toucan is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The toucan is one of the birds that has one of the most amazing beaks in the world. It has a huge multi-colored beak that reaches 20 cm in length. Because of its colorful beak, it is also called the rainbow-beaked toucan, and its beak consists of a mixture of green, red and yellow colors. Despite its huge appearance, the beak is hollow and light and consists of a single type of protein called keratin, and the male uses this colorful beak to attract the female during the mating season.

 This beautiful bird lives in the forests of Central and South America, and its length is about 20 cm and weighs up to 4 kg, and its body feathers are mostly black with a yellow throat. By jumping, toucans are social birds that form small flocks containing up to 30 birds, and live in natural holes, and their diet consists of insects, eggs and lizards.

4- The peacock is one of the most beautiful birds in the world:

beautiful birds

orld, namely, the Indian peacock, the Congo peacock and the green peacock. The Indian peacock is the most popular and famous bird species in the world, due to the colorful display of the tail of the Indian peacock, which appears wonderfully and very attractive when released, and the peacock can grow It reaches 5 feet in length, which makes it one of the largest colorful birds in the world. In fact, the tail of a peacock makes up about 60% of its total length, and it can be said that courtship displays during the mating season are the most beautiful displays of mating in the family of birds.

3- The flamingo is one of the most beautiful birds in the world.

beautiful birds

The flamingo is perhaps one of the most famous birds in the world. The amazing red and purple plumage makes the flamingo very special. There are 6 species of flamingos in the world, and they live on every continent of the world except Antarctica. The length of the adult flamingo is between 4 - 5 feet, and weighs up to 3.6 kilograms, and the flamingo is characterized by a long neck and beak curved down, and the legs of the flamingo are very long, ranging between 30 - 50 inches, which gives it a great advantage for catching small fish, larvae and plankton from the mud, and lives Flamingos live in large colonies of thousands of birds, and the amazing purple color that distinguishes the flamingo is due to the type of food it eats, as its main diet consists of brine shrimp, plankton and blue-green algae.

 2- The scarlet parrot is one of the most beautiful birds in the world:

beautiful birds

The scarlet parrot is one of the most beautiful and largest members of the parrot family in the world, and the scarlet parrot inhabits moist evergreen forests in Central and South America, and the scarlet parrot is famous for its colorful feathers consisting of bright red color with a blue back, and its upper wing is yellow, and has green edges, and reaches The length of the adult scarlet parrot is between 80 - 90 cm, and it weighs up to 1.5 kg, and it can reach a speed of 35 miles per hour.

 The scarlet parrot lives for long periods ranging from 40 - 50 years, and it is said that the scarlet parrot can live in captivity for up to 75 years, and the scarlet parrot is a very intelligent bird that can learn sounds, words and tricks, and it is said that a well-trained parrot can distinguish colors And shapes, and scarlet parrots are birds that make very loud noises, and their diet consists of nuts, seeds, fruits and insects.

1- The golden pheasant is one of the most beautiful birds in the world:

beautiful birds

The golden pheasant is famous for its wonderfully colored plumage and golden yellow crest on the top of its head, with a reddish-yellow color around the neck with circular black stripes that give a very impressive shape. China, and the male pheasant is longer than the female, with the male reaching about 42 inches in length, and it is interesting that the tail of this bird represents two-thirds of its body, and the golden pheasant is an unskilled bird in flight and therefore spends most of its time on the ground, feeding mainly on berries and seeds and insects.

see more: 

Alexandra Lutino's parrot production


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