The albatross is a large sea bird that belongs to the family of albatrosses, which includes approximately 13 species. It is one of the birds that are able to fly and fly for long distances.
Some types of albatross
- Black
albatross - wandering albatross
- wandering albatross
- black-winged
albatross - albatross Laysan
Description of albatross
The body of the albatross covers beautiful feathers and takes the colors of white, black, brown and some yellow and red according to its type
. The length of the albatross ranges from 90 cm to 130 cm
. The weight of the albatross ranges from 8 kg to 10 kg
. The albatross has a beak that curves downward and a large head a few
The albatross is characterized by a high flight speed that may reach 40 miles per hour
- the lifespan of albatrosses may reach 50 years

albatross food
Albatross feeds on meat as it eats crustaceans, crabs, fish and squid, and on animal waste that is extinguished on the face of the water in the seas and oceans.
The habitat of the albatross and its locations
Most types of albatross live in the southern hemisphere of the earth (Australia, South America, Africa and Antarctica) and there are rare types of albatross birds live in the northern hemisphere of the earth (Alaska, California and Hawaii).
Albatross nests
Albatross birds build their nest from some mud and some plant parts near the seas and oceans.
Albatross breeding
Albatross breeds in certain seasons, where mating takes place approximately once every 18 months on a secluded island, and the male and female spindle each other. After mating, the female lays one egg of large size, weighing up to half a kilogram approximately, and each parent incubates the egg for a period ranging from 75 A day to 80 days (and the incubation period can reach more than that) and after this period the egg hatches and the young chick comes out where the parents take care of him and provide him with food until he is able to rely on himself The young chick reaches the age of maturity and becomes stable at the age of 5 to 10 months .