The flamingo is considered one of the most beautiful birds in the world and belongs to the family of flamingos. It is one of the large-sized and endangered birds. It has a beautiful color and a somewhat strange shape. In this article, we will discuss information about the life of flamingos.
Kinds of flamingo
There are six types of this beautiful bird that we will mention:
- Big
Flamingo - Small
Flamingo - American
Flamingo - Puna
Flamingo - Andean
Flamingo - Chilean Flamingo
Description of the flamingo
The body of flamingos is covered with beautiful reddish-pink feathers . Flamingos
are distinguished by a long neck, long and thin legs and a hooked beak
. Flamingos have strong wings that can fly in a day for an estimated distance of 550 km and a flight speed of 50 to 55 km per hour.
The length of flamingos ranges from 85 cm to 140 cm, depending on its species
The weight of flamingos ranges from 2.5 kg to 3.5 kg, depending on its species

flamingo food
Flamingos feed on some types of small fish, crustaceans, mollusks, some insects, small worms, larvae, some types of red and green algae and some types of vegetables.
The habitat of the flamingo and its locations
Flamingos live in watery places, especially around salty and alkaline rivers and lakes, and hot areas in large parts of the American continent and some areas of Africa, Asia and Europe, as well as in areas of the Middle East.
flamingo nests
Flamingos build their nests of mud or mud near water areas and take a conical shape
flamingo breeding
Flamingoes reproduce in the good seasons, when there is rain and food, and the male performs some show dances to draw the attention of the female. After mating, the female lays an egg, and in rare cases she lays two eggs. In cases of losing an egg, the female puts it instead. Both the male and female incubate the eggs for a period ranging from 27 to 31 days. After this period, the eggs hatch and the chicks emerge. The parents provide care and food for the young for a period ranging from 5 to 7 days so that the chicks can walk and rely on themselves almost.