Fisher birds, what are fisher birds? Fisher sparrows or fisher birds are one of the smallest types of love birds and belong to the family of parrots, and they are among the pet birds that humans love to raise in homes, as they have beautiful sounds, shapes, and bright and wonderful colors. In this article, we will review glimpses of the life of this type of bird.
Fisher birds

Types of fisher birds
Cobalt Violet.
Yellow split.
Latino Fisher.
White Split.
- Move fisher.
Albino Fisher.
White blue.
- Blue fisher.
Green fisherman.
characteristics of fisher birds
Its body is covered with beautiful and colorful feathers in several colors such as red, green, blue, yellow, black, white and gray
Fisher bird food
It feeds on a group of worms, small insects and eggs, as well as on some types of seeds, grains, sunflower pulp and some types of vegetables and fruits.
Fisher's bird habitat and whereabouts
It lives in different parts of the African continent, such as southern Lake Victoria, as well as in northern Tanzania, and is currently found in large areas of the world.
Fisher's nests
In most cases, the nests of fisher birds are inside cages, and they are made up of some straw, cotton and some fibers.
Fisher birds multiply
They breed in certain months, when the male makes some western sounds and movements. After mating, the female lays approximately 3 to 7 eggs in the nest. The female incubates the eggs for a period ranging from 21 to 25 days. After this period, the eggs hatch and the young chicks come out. Both parents provide care and food. For a period ranging from 30 to 35 days, after this period the young chicks are able to rely on themselves.
The difference between male and female fisher birds
There are some differences that distinguish the male from the female, here are some of them:
- The difference in the shape of the tail: the male has a 7-shaped tail, while the female has a tail of equal length of feathers.
- The difference in posture: the male has a small distance between his legs, while the female has a large distance between her legs.
The head shape differs: the male has a prominent head and takes the form of the number 8, while the female has a head that takes a genealogical form.