The Hoopoe is one of the beautiful birds mentioned in the Holy Qur’an in the story of our master Solomon, peace be upon him. The Almighty said: {And he visited the bird and said, “Why should I not see the hoopoe or was it one of the absent?” The importance of this bird is mentioned in the Qur’an. The Prophet, peace be upon him, not to kill him.
Hoopoe characteristics
The hoopoe has light brown feathers that cover most parts of its body.
The wing and tail area of the hoopoe is covered with black and white alternating feathers very beautifully
The beak of the hoopoe is somewhat long, and the beak is characterized by two colors, brown in the part near the head and black in the part far from the head.
Above the head of the hoopoe there is a distinctive and beautiful mane that is characterized by chestnut color with black tips
– the length of the hoopoe ranges from 24 cm to 29 cm
– the weight of the hoopoe bird ranges from 55 to 60 grams
The habitat of the hoopoe and its locations
Hoopoe exists all over the world, but it prefers moderate climates and areas with green cover. Senegal and some African countries with jungles and the Arab Maghreb are the most important areas of its presence.
Hoopoe breeding
The hoopoe lives for an average of 10 years and breeds in the spring and summer, when the weather is beautiful and warm, where the male makes sounds in order to draw the female’s attention to him. After mating, the female lays 4 to 7 eggs, and the female incubates the eggs alone for a period ranging from 14 to 20 days. The task of the male during the incubation period is to bring food to the female. After the incubation period, the young chicks come out, and both the male and female provide food for them for a period ranging from 25 to 33 days, after which the chicks are able to go out and search for food on their own.
The female hoopoe defends its young by flooding it with a foul-smelling substance that makes the predator move away from the eggs. This liquid also protects the eggs from some diseases.
hoopoe food
Hoopoe birds feed on some insects and worms found in the ground.
hoopoe nests
Hoopoe birds differ from the rest of the birds in building nests where they prefer to live in the gaps of trees, cliffs and in walls.
Hoopoe Migration
Hoopoe migrate from areas with low temperatures to areas with moderate and warm temperatures and therefore has a migration in the winter from south
to north.

The difference between male and female hoopoe
The male differs from the female in the color of the plumage, as the female's plumage is somewhat duller.
Hoopoe among Arabs
The Arabs use the proverb with the power of a hoopoe's sight, and they say, "I see more than a hoopoe." Al-Jahiz said: They claimed that he was the one who was showing Solomon the locations of the water at the bottom of the earth.
Hoopoe in the Holy Quran
The hoopoe was mentioned in the Qur’an on the story of our master Solomon, peace be upon him, and the Almighty said: {And he inspected the bird and said, “Why do I not see the hoopoe, or was he among the absent?” Surah An-Naml verse 20.