Parrot diseases causes and treatment

First: Diarrheal disease:
Bird diarrhea is one of the most common diseases that affect pet birds, and it is considered an infectious disease, and it is divided into two parts: white diarrhea and green diarrhea. The bird loses its appetite with lethargy, and the green diarrhea known as salmonella poses a threat to the bird’s life if it is neglected and not treated as soon as it appears.
Symptoms of diarrhea in birds:
Its symptoms are a state of extreme carelessness while the bird defecates, and the glaucoma turns into a viscous liquid, with the bird drinking a lot of water.
Causes of diarrhea in birds:
Excessive feeding the bird with vegetables and food that contains a large amount of water, or providing ice water or spoiled food, or a sudden change in the nature of the food provided to the bird, as well as catching the bird with a cold leads to diarrhea.
Diarrhea treatment for birds:
In all different cases of disease, the sick bird must be isolated from the rest of its owners, and in the event of diarrhea, we stop giving the bird vegetables and correct the diet, and make sure that the cage is clean of feces and dirt, and we clean it twice a day, as liquid feces accelerate the transmission of disease, as well as The affected bird should be given two drops of olive oil by using the dropper to remove any harmful substances stuck to its digestive tract
Second: Tuberculosis of birds:
Tuberculosis is one of the infectious diseases that affect ornamental birds. It may be accompanied by diarrhea if the infection is in the digestive system or coughing if the infection is in the respiratory system. The bird loses its vitality and activity. It also becomes lethargic and emaciated with a loss of appetite for food, and the bones of its chest become prominent.
Causes of tuberculosis in birds:
Neglecting the cleanliness of the cage and not cleaning it from glaucoma and dirt that is a fertile ground for germs that are quickly transmitted between birds, and the failure to change drinking water and the fall of glaucoma in it leads to infection with this disease, as it is transmitted by feces containing a lot of tuberculosis microbes with no sunlight entering the cage. The cage, which limits the spread and reproduction of germs, in addition to the lack of good ventilation, which is very necessary to maintain the health of the bird.
Tuberculosis treatment for birds:
Clean the cage well, especially drinking and food utensils, while giving the bird some antibiotics, such as: (Pan-Tramycin) and other antibiotics prescribed to us by the veterinarian.
Third: Constipation of birds:
Its symptoms are summarized in the bird making several multiple attempts to expel feces without any benefit with the fact that the feathers surrounding its exit are dry, in addition to the possibility of a slight bloating in the stomach
Causes of constipation in birds:
The causes of a bird becoming constipated in food depend on changing its quality and quantity. The bird may become constipated as a result of feeding it a lot of boiled eggs or not offering it any type of vegetables.
Treating constipation in birds:
Giving the affected bird two drops of olive oil and offering it fresh vegetables, and in cases of chronic constipation, the bird is given two small drops of medicinal castor oil
Fourth: Cold and flu for pet birds:
Birds usually get cold and flu diseases in the winter due to the increase in air currents or sudden weather fluctuations, where the bird has difficulty breathing with a mucous secretion in the nose and may be accompanied by a rattle coming out of the bird's chest during breathing.
Causes of cold and flu for pet birds:
Increasing air currents and direct exposure of the bird to it with a sudden and varying change in temperature.
Treatment of cold and flu for pet birds:
Isolate the infected bird in a warm and quiet place and cover its cage with a durable cloth to increase heating, and do not forget to add antibiotics to the water, and some drops of lemon juice can be added to the drinking water.
Fifth: Pneumonia disease of pet birds:
A bird's infection with a cold may develop into an infection in the respiratory tract, or it may develop pneumonia as a result of a virus other than the cold-causing virus, and the symptoms of the disease are shortness of breath and making sounds while breathing.
Causes of pneumonia in pet birds:
The bird was exposed to sudden changes in temperature, such as moving it from an air-conditioned room to a high temperature place, or vice versa.
Treatment of pneumonia in pet birds:
Pneumonia is dangerous if not treated quickly, as the affected bird must be taken to the vet immediately, as any delay in treatment may bring negative results to the bird, and sulfa compounds and antibiotics can be used until the bird is taken to the veterinarian.
Sixth: Typhoid disease of pet birds:
It is an acute disease that affects birds in general, and its symptoms include loss of appetite and lethargy, with drooping wings and greenish-yellow diarrhea with a foul odor. It is noted that the affected bird drinks more water than usual.
Causes of typhoid disease in pet birds:
Typhoid is caused by a bacterial microbe called Salmonella gallicium.
Treatment of typhoid disease for pet birds:
The bird is given the antibiotic Terramycin for three days every eight hours, and the cage is cleaned twice a day, in order to ensure that the bird does not contract this disease again whenever it recovers through its contaminated feces.
Seventh: Newcastle disease of birds:
It is one of the most dangerous viral diseases that affect birds, and it is a contagious disease that leads to the death of a large number of birds within a day or two of infection, and the average incubation of the virus is five days, and most of those infected with pigeons and poultry, one of the most important symptoms is a sprain in the neck with Curvature of the head back and the inability of the bird to eat and drink, and paralysis of the legs may follow with the development of the condition.
Causes of Newcastle disease in birds:
The cause of the disease is a virus that is rapidly transmitted from one bird to another.
Newcastle disease treatment for birds:
He has not yet found a cure for this disease
Eighth: Red Fash Disease:
These insects, which can be seen with the naked eye, live in the corners of the cage, in its wooden walls, or in birds' nests, where this moth lives in wooden places and comes out at night only to suck the bird's blood, causing it fatal anemia.
Red rash disease treatment:
Searching birds’ nests, cage corners and wooden walls for these insects and exterminating them using a special powder or spray or insecticides specific to these insects, taking into account removing the birds from the cage when spraying pesticides so as not to be damaged, and the bird’s feathers must be checked periodically for early detection and elimination of these insects It is also possible to use a cloth dampened with a little petroleum oil and wipe the cage with it, with a bath for the bird twice a week, and add drops of bitter wood soaked under the wings and on the body parts of the affected bird.
Ninth: Lice disease:
An insect that is very common in the summer, and is concentrated around the bird’s neck, wing and body, causing it to itch so badly that it will try to scratch its body with all the hard objects it encounters around it, which leads to sores, wounds and scratches on the bird.
Lice treatment:
Cleaning the cage and nests of dirt and blue, and getting rid of these insects by means of their own insecticides, and anise oil is one of the effective solutions in the extermination and disposal of lice.
Tenth: Scabies disease of birds:
It is called scale, and it is a fungal disease that affects most birds and it appears in the form of gray scaly warts, concentrated around the beak and eyes, and it spreads quickly among birds as soon as it is touched.
Causes of scabies in birds:
Microscopic parasite multiplies inside the skin.
Treating scabies for birds:
Isolate the injured and use special medical ointments and sulfur ointments, while maintaining the cleanliness of the cage by using disinfectants to kill parasites and microbes.
Very important tips for bird diseases:
- Do not give any medicine to your sick bird without consulting a veterinarian.
- Most of the symptoms of diseases may be similar to each other and their causes and methods of treatment differ, and the wrong diagnosis leads to the prescribing of the wrong medication, which causes the disease to exacerbate and increase.
- Do not keep the medicine in drinking water for more than twelve hours.
- Do not forget to look at the expiry date of the medicine and its expiration date. When mixing the medicine with drinking water, it should be taken into account not to give the bird any fresh food that contains a percentage of water so that the bird can drink the largest amount of medicine.
- Do not put more than one medicine in the drinking water because the bird may refuse to eat it. The bird may refrain from drinking water containing the medicine because it changes its taste or because it is bitter in taste. Then a little sugar can be added to sweeten the taste, or medicine is provided to the bird by using the dropper to shorten the time for the bird to drink the medicine. The water is removed from it for two hours, then the medicine is added to it and presented to the bird. Lemon is an anti-toxin and a source of vitamin C. It also helps to overcome colds. The black seed (Nigella sativa) is considered a treatment for salmonella and coliform bacteria. Snails and shells are among the most important sources of calcium, but its large presence works As intermediate hosts of tapeworms, mosquitoes and flies contribute to disease transmission among birds.