There are a lot of us want friend able to talk to him, at the end of a long working day and hard we want a voice welcomes us when we get home, ask us about our day how he was, birds, parrots She is the birds can imitate the voices of humans, and in fact there is a lot of controversy about this it and whether parrots talking She understands the language that emulated parrot-speaking not all have the same ability to speak, but to varying degrees among them. some can only imitate a small number of words and phrases while some parrots other such Badge can be kept reiterates approximately 2000 words, the parrots are adept at mimicry For example managed wild parrots in Australia to convey the same culture when it was used as motionless as pets has been merged with other birds.
We find that all the birds talk to her to be a great fun, and it's good to find a companion like him and there are some parrots are the best in the interaction of the question to talk about others, there are some species that possess better than other memory and also capable of storing hundreds or even thousands of words, and you will thunderstruck You will not believe how this small brains can be kept perfectly, all these words.

There are two types of this parrot them parrot African gray that tends to learn to speak in smaller than other type age begins parrot African gray speech at the age of between 6-8 months and there are some birds talk from tiny start probably in the first month, while the feathers have not been fully capped and also in the age of 3 months and depends on the intelligence of the bird, either an African gray parrot Congo who knows Bbbghae Abu henna is to learn to speak during the first year, but much of this parrot does not utter his first before they are 12 or 18 months.

Parrot Quaker is the only parrot that builds your nest the branches and other plant material rather than establish nesting in the cavities of trees, as is the case for many of the parrots, and up nests form to structures nearest residential units for the birds is divided into individual rooms, separate entrances, it is amazing that the nesting structures this up in size to the size of a small car and Hawwaa weigh 91 kg or more.
Quaker parrot live between 25-30 years old, and as we mentioned it in length, such as the length of a parrot cocktail but with him the largest body Faisal along Quaker parrot from 28-30 cm and weighs between 90 to 139 grams.
As for the stripes, we find that this bird distinctive Freches top is green, either for the face, neck, chest and legs understanding Atlenon gray Pale and the upper part of the abdomen is olive, yellow, lower abdomen, buttocks, thighs, upper tail tends to yellowish-green and has two feet Rmadetyn and eyes the color of dark brown , there is no difference between males and females in terms of form.
As for the personal parrot Quaker, we find it a bird social too, is characterized as friendly and very vital, one of the examples of the wonderful pets, as he parrot active and inquisitive, intelligent and playful, one of the parrots attractive and is closely associated with humans owners.
Parrot Quaker likes to play a lot and get bored quickly than any parrot last therefore recommend changing the play repeatedly until you do not get bored, but if we talked about a parrot Quaker advantage in the talk we will find that he has a wonderful ability to talk as he sings songs and can also pick you many vocabulary, most of Quaker parrots learn to speak in about six months, they speak very clearly and they have many skills, such as beeping, for example, you can get from this bird several loud noises and bark and scream.
Quaker parrot is one of the parrots bad reputation for being Tairgeor inside the cage, it could severely injure or even kill birds that enter the cage without an invitation, so it's important to make sure it's not a side-by-side with other birds in the same cage.

A lot of people knew him as "parrots," but his real name is "Parrot Badge ." , Parrot Badge entered in the Guinness Book of Records as "the most bird-speaking," he was able to preserve and repeating vocabulary of more than 1,700 words, this parrot native to Australia, he managed to become one of the most popular pet all over the world.
When it comes to animals and pet birds, you find that the parrot Badge is a popular choice for many years, these small parrots can be found in any pet store, but generally there is an abundance in the wild in Australia, and has many different colors and patterns, it has fascinated parrots Badge people for many years because of their personalities fun, and attractive colors and it's reasonably easy to care prices.
If you intend to acquire this type of birds must be healthy diet with fresh fruits and vegetables complemented him on a daily basis, he likes to eat vegetables, legumes, nuts, this little bird is able to learn a large number of phrases and songs, but his voice tends to be low and undefined always, the male gives the best results during training female.
Can parrot Badge live between 7 to 15 years, although the real average parrots Badge now is much less than seven due to abuse, accidents, or lack of knowledge about bird care and thus die Bird result of all the foregoing, parrot Badge is also prone to obesity, and fatty tumors and intestinal parasites, it requires proper veterinary care.