Parrot Parrot species of birds, featuring brightly colored, with a large head and large beak hooked and solid, he can of peeling walnut kernels, and has claws square being able to get ahold of tree branches and stand out, also has the ability to imitate many sounds, and repeat some of the words spoken by human if they lived with him and learned, making him the favorite bird for many people, but that he was living in the mainland do not imitate the voice of one, but issued whistles and Ngreda, a smart animals, social, and preferably parrots live in warm places, so it spread widely in South America, especially about the Amazon, and in Australia, and many of the people Arbunh in their homes, they are the most popular bird in humans.
Parrot species
There are over three hundred and fifty species of birds, the parrot, which vary in color, place of living, and size, but about mostly involved in the quality of the food they prefer, they eat fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, insects, and most important of these types: Parrot Albadji: is the most prevalent among breeders parrot species, also called small Balbbghae, being smaller than the rest of parrots, She lives in Medm around the world, but is native to southern Asia, and it has many colors such as white, blue, and green.
Parrot Albarutlat:
Smaller species of parrots, and has a lot of energy, and many of the gay movement, it also mastered many tricks, making it one of the beloved birds, and very entertaining.
Parrot cocktail:
This type is characterized by gray, turquoise, both male and female, show some differences on the feathers when they reach the bird, female cat gray remains is mostly on her body with some feathers yellow on top and black on the wings, while the male transforms color feathers head of the yellow, and wings on them predominantly black, which parrots the most intelligent and fastest learning, as it is easy to education, and quiet, so many people prefer to procurement, especially of they do not have experience in breeding birds.
Parrot Alkunior:
the advantage of this type by the friendliness and peace, rarely quarreled members of a species with each other, but his voice is very noisy, but the kind that Richa Green owns the cheeks is relatively quiet, and often these birds need a trainer for breeding, and take care of it.
Parrot lovebirds:
native is Africa, and the advantage of the wonderful Boloanh, and diverse, The reason for this is that they live in pairs, and features a couple's relationship friendliness and love, they spend most of their time close to each other, especially in times for rest, sleep, and those who wish to breeding, it is best to buy a small age, can learn it easily through the black spot on its beak that distinguish small birds for adult.
Amazon Parrot:
the advantage of this type of high abilities, and Mzajith, and therefore the need for his education educator with a great experience, it can not predict the respective movements, and it be quiet sometimes, and very noisy at other times, the original habitat is South America.