Parrot budgie :
Parrot budgie of parrot species skilled in learning to speak, but budgie fluently does not talk big but trained well trained can make him able to words pronounced humans are amazing bands, has been one recording of a parrot budgie in the Guinness Book of Records called Mace larger vocabulary as an entrepreneur which can pronunciation between all kinds of other birds where he managed that parrot to save more than 1,700 words, and as a pet, the parrot budgie is one of the parrot species easy dressage because it is very social and gain many experiences to communicate one way or another , even if it was just emotions or whistles .

African Grey parrot:
African gray parrot unlike budgie in terms of speech, which is characterized by gray parrot fluent in speech and clarity wordy , who pronounced this parrot, and the size of the vocabulary learned very well so the African gray parrot is expensive because of the acoustic nature of excellence, and although the gray parrot speaks fluently , but it's kind of quiet parrot compared with some other type of parrot like a parrot Macao , which often scream and yell high voices, gray parrot more inclined to use words to communicate it from the smart birds and has a good social nature helps him to learn and imitate human beings to communicate with them.
parrot Quaker:
Parrot Coker of parrot species medium size which has a social nature and types curious and has a great ability to pronounce words, and a parrot Quaker parrots that exist in South America and is adaptable and move to other places have already been moved a lot of that kind of parrot to the United States but some states , such as California, Hawaii and Kansas parrot does not allow the sale or keep it as a pet so this parrot escapes into the wild.

Amazon parrot:
Amazon Parrot has a great capacity to talk to one of the types of medium - parrot - sized to large - sized and like most parrot species the other is a social Copyright, The Amazon Parrot strong links with the owners and periods of very large and can Amazon Parrot lived in captivity for up to 50 years.