Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Previously thought to be female cocktail it is the most beautiful of the above, but it is true that male cocktail is beautiful, and this rule applies to most of the birds that were not in all of them, there can be seen a pair of cocktail and judged Ojmlhma that he is a female and the other is male
There are other things that could help distinguish between the male and the female partner cocktail, then male is dominated by gray, and his face aside and lemony yellow, and orange featuring spot in each cheek rows of bright, also features mentioned cocktail tail length and response in brown Blackener
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
While female cocktail predominantly yellow, lime, and orange spot that mediate each cheek is bright as it is in the male are even less about him, as a female, and there is no yellow color is characterized by the tail
But such things are not an absolute rule, the difficulty of distinguishing between male cocktail and female partner only to relevant experts, has mixed male qualities qualities females difficult to distinguish between the two, but what is certain in this matter is that the male is unique tweeted, and that the female does not issue them only twittering, and can not sing a note mentioning after buying only after it is familiar with the new place and get used to it, and that takes time
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
It has been reached after about 10 to 12 Months
Eating and nutrition:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
cocktail depends on the pulp and Filars and Alem as well Aldniba and of course fruits, apples, oranges and watermelon peel vegetables and watercress and Khas sticks and cabbage
And this meal at the hatchery are placed in hot water for a day until well moistened, and also a few of the hard-boiled eggs is very meaningful for the young.
The best food provided by a bird cocktail is the seed, because of intense love for her as favored over any other food, and may face initially difficult to accustom your bird on a different type of food other than who was favored, but you will find in the end that the bird cocktail will approach his food the new, and try to taste it is characterized by a great curiosity and a desire to explore all the things around him
One of the most favorite cereal bird cocktail sunflower seeds and seeds and hashish Alpankim Alknar or Filars, but you should not forget the need to cocktail fresh vegetables, like other birds, is given a lettuce and parsley and green clover
Popcorn is a good food for birds cocktail as it contains important Brocbnat necessary to preserve the health of the body, and the best way to provide seeds for the cockatiel is mixing quantities information and submit it to a bird, and you may notice that the bird would prefer some types of cereals on others but not soon to eat cereals other after the end of the first Grain favorite
It should not make a new food for the new bird because it may refrain from eating, or it may cause a sudden change in food in health problems, you should know the type of food he was eating the bird before you buy it, then we offer him, and gradually we are changing slowly, so get used to it Bird
education :
It can be brought up groups, as well as each pair in a cage on the cage to be an area of not less than 80/50/50 and do not forget in the heat setting bath water so that it can bathe and moisturizes the body
Cages and housing:
Terms choosing cage
When you purchase the cage you take into account some of the following things must
You must consider the capacity and size of the cage in terms of the numbers of birds and sizes, small birds, for example, you need small cages, as well as with the bird only, but large birds, they need large cages, as well as with the many number of birds
Preferably the selection process cages that are easy to disassemble and installed in order to facilitate the cleaning process, so that they can disarm the bottom of the cage to clean it without moving it from its place, and can be removed easily Mangers and roosts
The price of the cage at the time the current is too expensive, so educators tend to buy small cages with cheap prices without thinking about the bird's needs and can be caused by a small number of psychological and health of the bird problems of the cage, so it should know that whenever the price was high, as was the cage larger and more feature from other
You must be in the cage enough space enables the bird from one individual wings without prejudice cage bars, so that it can move and jump easily without the cage cause him any harassment or hindrance
You must consider the proportionality of the material that makes them the cage with the species of birds that live in it, Vveselh parrots, for example, does not fit her wooden cages because they will not last long before the sharp beak, unlike bird Alknar which suits him like this completely cages for non-interest loan of timber and play them
Must be cage-free wire rods from rust-killer, and should exist on both sides of the cage bars transversely so that the bird of climbing up and down easily
It must be based on the metal frame of the cage on a plastic base height of 15 cm depth, so an agent waste falling outside the cage
Cage many forms, including the rectangle and the ring box, the best buy cages square or rectangular, and stay away from the circular cages because they limit the bird's movement in the cage and can feel safe and comfortable, where the bird always turn when he felt intimidated to the corners of the cage and secure against
Choose the cage sometimes depends on where you would put it, if you prefer to put the cage on the surface of the earth there is no need to worry about choosing a cage N to open easily from the bottom of the base, but if you prefer to put the cage on a high place on the earth's surface without being carried on something, as if to be dangling from a high place preferable then choose cages non-opening of the bottom of the base, an agent opens easily be damaged as a result of falling to the ground, with a high probability of escape of the bird from the bottom or the occurrence of nervous shock him from the intensity of high-output sound effect for and the occurrence of the base, make sure the ease of opening and closing the cage, so you can enter the food and take it out easily, preferably choose cages containing doors that close automatically, even secured not escape your bird if you forget to close the door and leave it open
Make sure you have the top of the cage holder so you can move the cage from his place easily
Be sure to provide an inside cage accessories: Mangers, canals, roost, Chinese (waste, metal piece (seen cage accessories
Must be openings between the bars of the cage so small bird can not escape through it
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
age cocktail :
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
1. Crown form: we find that the Crown in a small older birds (large smolt) Short and feathers almost straight up and fill Balaqmaa (which covers new feathers), while the amount of birds we find that feather crown long since completed its growth and its slight curvature Back .
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
In this picture, we find that chick gray crown and tapered to the top, while the bird's long crown and its bow Back
2. Orange spot (cheeks):
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
In smolt be small in size and colors are relatively faint and see around the circle of feathers with the thickness of a very small degree very light of the same color, either in the adult birds we find democracy larger and their vibrant colors and whenever provided jumper in the Age remains can accommodate up to occupy a large area of the face and in this case, a large bird in age (old).
3. Eye: a large eye size for smolts and due to lack of skull bone growth is complete, either the amount of birds we find the small size for their eyes to the head.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Note here is the proportion of the eye of the head in the Chick (relatively large)
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
But here we note the eye to a small proportion of the bird's head in
4. beak: The light color beak when smolt, but be dark in adult birds. Nose and chick be softer in texture from the bird's. And note the emergence of beak from out in feathers of small birds and feathers from his cover aspects of large birds, making it seem smaller
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Here we note the beak and feathers and bird size
5. Feathers: the small birds have short feathers and pale, especially tail feathers, the birds shall either extremely long feathers and shiny and coordinator. And note that the tail feathers roughly equal to the length of the bird's body (to the age of a year). Then equal to a quarter of the length of time and the bird's body (from the age of a year to 5 years). Then equal to once and half the length of the bird's body (more than 5 years), taking into consideration that each bird is different and some birds are excluded from this rule. And General up to the bird of approximately 30 cm length, while the chick does not exceed 25 cm.
6- foot:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
We notice the softness of scales found in the foot in small birds, and become rough in adult birds and increase and be more roughness in large birds older. The nails large birds (Agouza) postcard beaches buckling clear for small birds
7. slept chick from 12-14 hours and offers whenever the bird in the number of people sleeping Akthero hours when it becomes great age (old) up to 17-18 hours a next siesta.
Spawning and reproduction
After reaching spawning male and female, and would prefer not to put Bayada only after reaching at least 7 months of age, preferably 10 months.
You can spawn groups, as well as a separate each pair in a cage specifications previous
Use one of these types of linens and put a small amount of coarse sawdust
Bayada vertical:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Be the height 35 cm, width and depth of 25 cm and be inlet of the bird from 7 to 8 cm
Bayada horizontal:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
It is often used for Arab countries to be Sizes height and depth of 25 cm, height 35 cm, as well as the opening of 7 to 8 cm
You must consider the calm after the female lays the eggs and should not transfer from one place to another does not leave until the eggs.
And then begin the growth phase and you get to take the process of feeding the young Tdibam tomorrow I wanted to stand on the hand and not to fly out of the house and maybe talk
Notes and spawning behaviors in some detail
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
First you get a pair of cocktails from a reliable person at an appropriate age and color you like and learn how to know the difference between male and Alantymn person and an expert on the whole there are more than a way to know this and are not free from the percentage of wrong
The first of the pubic bone in the female larger than the male .ozlk at the age of seven months, as well as the color of feathers in the female pelvis pale yellow as well as the wing feathers in male white in color net of the parties either female Vtjd yellow limbs.
The male is always active and sing and making sounds different and also the face of the common yellow and red cheeks above.
But in young Alzgalal Knowing the male from the female is a very difficult even for an expert
In order to succeed in hatching you should start with a pair in the age of a year or brought them at the age of six months and leave them until the completion of the year to start in Tafrakhhm without problems hatching occur a variable but typically that is mated at the age of 7 months, a small example.
The feature in cocktail he spawns throughout the year but the first time it is advisable that initiated in the spring or in the fall in the White Sea Basin countries and in the winter in the country lane, such as the country's Arabian Peninsula, for example, that while ensuring proper nutrition throughout the year, such as the availability of fruits, vegetables and bone Alsibia. The cocktail can be hatching any time of the year as long as the spawn inside the house because a temperature regular house are almost invariably from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.
You can get because to or three just in the year so as not to strain the parents in the hatchery and because the role per nest be the first to lay eggs to weaning the young about two and a half any ten weeks and spawning the autumn, spring and winter time is usually excellent for lack of birds exposed eggs Heat severe or striker insects him in the summer.
And it must make sure my brother, my sister abyss of a lack of foreign insects such as Alvah, lice and ants before hatchery operations appeared because the success of Chick season depends on the free Alachoc of these insects because they cause heavy losses of young death and leaving the parents to the nest and eggs. To get rid of the insects publication of material per liter Albatherin put one cm appeared before hatching and dissemination of cages and nests.
Best cage you can Bida in hatching inside is a meter in the meter any large and take into account the development of the nest wooden hatching inside and is available in the market for breeding birds inside and placed the cage in the high and far from air currents somewhere and be quiet and space-ish private wooden hatching 30 square centimeters at least and there are no any spaces Tscmah air to enter inside except manhole and be of small size and diameter of about 9 cm and before them, and 'Culture stands bird them so that he can enter and has open top opens and closes and call inspection slot so you can leisurely eggs and young to remove rotten eggs or young dead. The pastor always be a nest of this range because parents walk together inside and must Ihtwem together also Athrca free inside without compromising the safety of eggs and young and also contains a number of young and Alaveadh Food in their development.
Sawdust should also be placed inside the box layer depth of about 2 cm or peat moss used in the plant and let the order of these brush birds arranged on their own.
NB Do not use cotton wool or cloth or gauze inside the nest because it wraps around Ataior and possible cause of his death
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
When the process begins you will find that the mating male and female love each other and they Btakil each other nor ashamed of mating (sexual intercourse) before the people
.tafrakh And breeding and raising cocktail Powered
And begin laying eggs and look female permanent Nafshh feathers before laying eggs, do not worry or wonder has seems blades tail irregularly so as to concern Bash and arranged and graduated female twice a day for eating, drinking, bathing and keep male and female in the nest Atina spawning period and we find that the female abound from eating Alsibia order get abundant amounts of calcium required for egg shell, as well as eating boiled eggs and breadcrumbs.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Typically bleaching female from 3 to 8 eggs a white On average, five placed in one corner of the nest wooden and possible takes placed the egg one o'clock hour day after day to complete the number of eggs and Thhrkh mother Bmenkarha in the center of the nest and put it under her breast Ylkn When you put other eggs begin mentioned in care old eggs and exchange male and female take care of eggs until hatching and advisable to you, but my brother Ghawi touch the eggs until they hatch and leave the parents tending eggs or young children on their own ..
Usually shared parental care and custody of the eggs usually lying above during the day and the female at night and guarded by male and Ahadjiana shared by male and female eggs and lying it together and if it happens you attention to nutrition well, especially when eggs to hatch and take custody of the eggs 18 days and in a few cases 21 days in the cold days and then start hatching the mother to feed their young regurgitation of food undigested half and holding a parent's beak young and shaken up and down, opening her mouth and starts eating at the entry to the pharynx young and should at this time to confirm the availability of water and safety and change on a daily basis.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Note that the young require eating issuing voices screaming Msstmr can be heard covers villi lumbar yellow body with a region naked in the head from behind and show the orange spots on the face at the age of petals weeks shows beak color Rose then brown and then darkens when he reaches three months.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Young and issued warning sound when approaching a stranger and trying to click and defend itself.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Important notes:
1. advisable to put lukewarm water baths female before hatching to Veadh moisture and complete the process of hatching.
2. Stay tuned, if any, parents stools large in size and Lin because Alecoqatil prefers not to defecate in the nest and collects stool inside it until it comes out of the nest
3. Further frequent eating calcium make the stool White Color
4. Do not open the nest suddenly on the parents, but let them know you are approaching them Vijrjawa from the nest to eat, and here you can see the chicks and eggs of others Vaks examination or dead chicks.
5. Clean the beaks of young with cotton swabs drenched with lukewarm water and retained or invoiced to the nest quickly and so at the age of one week.
6. When the young out of the nest after growth should put the seeds and food on the ground in small dishes so as not to defecate on them.
Kids learn eating alone at the age of 8 weeks and preferably transferred from the parent's cage before the second nest hatched well in advance.
Young and learn to fly well gradually.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
General information on cocktail : -
- The average age of cocktail from 15 to 25 years
- The number of eggs per nest from 3 to 7
- The incubation period of 18 to 21
- The length of a bird cocktail 32 cm
- Young out of the nest during the four or five weeks
- Alsgartmama rely on herself at the age of 6 to 8 weeks
- The size of the nest of 35 to 40 cm in all directions M.n
There are other things that could help distinguish between the male and the female partner cocktail, then male is dominated by gray, and his face aside and lemony yellow, and orange featuring spot in each cheek rows of bright, also features mentioned cocktail tail length and response in brown Blackener
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
While female cocktail predominantly yellow, lime, and orange spot that mediate each cheek is bright as it is in the male are even less about him, as a female, and there is no yellow color is characterized by the tail
But such things are not an absolute rule, the difficulty of distinguishing between male cocktail and female partner only to relevant experts, has mixed male qualities qualities females difficult to distinguish between the two, but what is certain in this matter is that the male is unique tweeted, and that the female does not issue them only twittering, and can not sing a note mentioning after buying only after it is familiar with the new place and get used to it, and that takes time
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
It has been reached after about 10 to 12 Months
Eating and nutrition:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
cocktail depends on the pulp and Filars and Alem as well Aldniba and of course fruits, apples, oranges and watermelon peel vegetables and watercress and Khas sticks and cabbage
And this meal at the hatchery are placed in hot water for a day until well moistened, and also a few of the hard-boiled eggs is very meaningful for the young.
The best food provided by a bird cocktail is the seed, because of intense love for her as favored over any other food, and may face initially difficult to accustom your bird on a different type of food other than who was favored, but you will find in the end that the bird cocktail will approach his food the new, and try to taste it is characterized by a great curiosity and a desire to explore all the things around him
One of the most favorite cereal bird cocktail sunflower seeds and seeds and hashish Alpankim Alknar or Filars, but you should not forget the need to cocktail fresh vegetables, like other birds, is given a lettuce and parsley and green clover
Popcorn is a good food for birds cocktail as it contains important Brocbnat necessary to preserve the health of the body, and the best way to provide seeds for the cockatiel is mixing quantities information and submit it to a bird, and you may notice that the bird would prefer some types of cereals on others but not soon to eat cereals other after the end of the first Grain favorite
It should not make a new food for the new bird because it may refrain from eating, or it may cause a sudden change in food in health problems, you should know the type of food he was eating the bird before you buy it, then we offer him, and gradually we are changing slowly, so get used to it Bird
education :
It can be brought up groups, as well as each pair in a cage on the cage to be an area of not less than 80/50/50 and do not forget in the heat setting bath water so that it can bathe and moisturizes the body
Cages and housing:
Terms choosing cage
When you purchase the cage you take into account some of the following things must
You must consider the capacity and size of the cage in terms of the numbers of birds and sizes, small birds, for example, you need small cages, as well as with the bird only, but large birds, they need large cages, as well as with the many number of birds
Preferably the selection process cages that are easy to disassemble and installed in order to facilitate the cleaning process, so that they can disarm the bottom of the cage to clean it without moving it from its place, and can be removed easily Mangers and roosts
The price of the cage at the time the current is too expensive, so educators tend to buy small cages with cheap prices without thinking about the bird's needs and can be caused by a small number of psychological and health of the bird problems of the cage, so it should know that whenever the price was high, as was the cage larger and more feature from other
You must be in the cage enough space enables the bird from one individual wings without prejudice cage bars, so that it can move and jump easily without the cage cause him any harassment or hindrance
You must consider the proportionality of the material that makes them the cage with the species of birds that live in it, Vveselh parrots, for example, does not fit her wooden cages because they will not last long before the sharp beak, unlike bird Alknar which suits him like this completely cages for non-interest loan of timber and play them
Must be cage-free wire rods from rust-killer, and should exist on both sides of the cage bars transversely so that the bird of climbing up and down easily
It must be based on the metal frame of the cage on a plastic base height of 15 cm depth, so an agent waste falling outside the cage
Cage many forms, including the rectangle and the ring box, the best buy cages square or rectangular, and stay away from the circular cages because they limit the bird's movement in the cage and can feel safe and comfortable, where the bird always turn when he felt intimidated to the corners of the cage and secure against
Choose the cage sometimes depends on where you would put it, if you prefer to put the cage on the surface of the earth there is no need to worry about choosing a cage N to open easily from the bottom of the base, but if you prefer to put the cage on a high place on the earth's surface without being carried on something, as if to be dangling from a high place preferable then choose cages non-opening of the bottom of the base, an agent opens easily be damaged as a result of falling to the ground, with a high probability of escape of the bird from the bottom or the occurrence of nervous shock him from the intensity of high-output sound effect for and the occurrence of the base, make sure the ease of opening and closing the cage, so you can enter the food and take it out easily, preferably choose cages containing doors that close automatically, even secured not escape your bird if you forget to close the door and leave it open
Make sure you have the top of the cage holder so you can move the cage from his place easily
Be sure to provide an inside cage accessories: Mangers, canals, roost, Chinese (waste, metal piece (seen cage accessories
Must be openings between the bars of the cage so small bird can not escape through it
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
age cocktail :
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
1. Crown form: we find that the Crown in a small older birds (large smolt) Short and feathers almost straight up and fill Balaqmaa (which covers new feathers), while the amount of birds we find that feather crown long since completed its growth and its slight curvature Back .
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
In this picture, we find that chick gray crown and tapered to the top, while the bird's long crown and its bow Back
2. Orange spot (cheeks):
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
In smolt be small in size and colors are relatively faint and see around the circle of feathers with the thickness of a very small degree very light of the same color, either in the adult birds we find democracy larger and their vibrant colors and whenever provided jumper in the Age remains can accommodate up to occupy a large area of the face and in this case, a large bird in age (old).
3. Eye: a large eye size for smolts and due to lack of skull bone growth is complete, either the amount of birds we find the small size for their eyes to the head.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Note here is the proportion of the eye of the head in the Chick (relatively large)
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
But here we note the eye to a small proportion of the bird's head in
4. beak: The light color beak when smolt, but be dark in adult birds. Nose and chick be softer in texture from the bird's. And note the emergence of beak from out in feathers of small birds and feathers from his cover aspects of large birds, making it seem smaller
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Here we note the beak and feathers and bird size
5. Feathers: the small birds have short feathers and pale, especially tail feathers, the birds shall either extremely long feathers and shiny and coordinator. And note that the tail feathers roughly equal to the length of the bird's body (to the age of a year). Then equal to a quarter of the length of time and the bird's body (from the age of a year to 5 years). Then equal to once and half the length of the bird's body (more than 5 years), taking into consideration that each bird is different and some birds are excluded from this rule. And General up to the bird of approximately 30 cm length, while the chick does not exceed 25 cm.
6- foot:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
We notice the softness of scales found in the foot in small birds, and become rough in adult birds and increase and be more roughness in large birds older. The nails large birds (Agouza) postcard beaches buckling clear for small birds
7. slept chick from 12-14 hours and offers whenever the bird in the number of people sleeping Akthero hours when it becomes great age (old) up to 17-18 hours a next siesta.
Spawning and reproduction
After reaching spawning male and female, and would prefer not to put Bayada only after reaching at least 7 months of age, preferably 10 months.
You can spawn groups, as well as a separate each pair in a cage specifications previous
Use one of these types of linens and put a small amount of coarse sawdust
Bayada vertical:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Be the height 35 cm, width and depth of 25 cm and be inlet of the bird from 7 to 8 cm
Bayada horizontal:
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
It is often used for Arab countries to be Sizes height and depth of 25 cm, height 35 cm, as well as the opening of 7 to 8 cm
You must consider the calm after the female lays the eggs and should not transfer from one place to another does not leave until the eggs.
And then begin the growth phase and you get to take the process of feeding the young Tdibam tomorrow I wanted to stand on the hand and not to fly out of the house and maybe talk
Notes and spawning behaviors in some detail
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
First you get a pair of cocktails from a reliable person at an appropriate age and color you like and learn how to know the difference between male and Alantymn person and an expert on the whole there are more than a way to know this and are not free from the percentage of wrong
The first of the pubic bone in the female larger than the male .ozlk at the age of seven months, as well as the color of feathers in the female pelvis pale yellow as well as the wing feathers in male white in color net of the parties either female Vtjd yellow limbs.
The male is always active and sing and making sounds different and also the face of the common yellow and red cheeks above.
But in young Alzgalal Knowing the male from the female is a very difficult even for an expert
In order to succeed in hatching you should start with a pair in the age of a year or brought them at the age of six months and leave them until the completion of the year to start in Tafrakhhm without problems hatching occur a variable but typically that is mated at the age of 7 months, a small example.
The feature in cocktail he spawns throughout the year but the first time it is advisable that initiated in the spring or in the fall in the White Sea Basin countries and in the winter in the country lane, such as the country's Arabian Peninsula, for example, that while ensuring proper nutrition throughout the year, such as the availability of fruits, vegetables and bone Alsibia. The cocktail can be hatching any time of the year as long as the spawn inside the house because a temperature regular house are almost invariably from 20 to 28 degrees Celsius.
You can get because to or three just in the year so as not to strain the parents in the hatchery and because the role per nest be the first to lay eggs to weaning the young about two and a half any ten weeks and spawning the autumn, spring and winter time is usually excellent for lack of birds exposed eggs Heat severe or striker insects him in the summer.
And it must make sure my brother, my sister abyss of a lack of foreign insects such as Alvah, lice and ants before hatchery operations appeared because the success of Chick season depends on the free Alachoc of these insects because they cause heavy losses of young death and leaving the parents to the nest and eggs. To get rid of the insects publication of material per liter Albatherin put one cm appeared before hatching and dissemination of cages and nests.
Best cage you can Bida in hatching inside is a meter in the meter any large and take into account the development of the nest wooden hatching inside and is available in the market for breeding birds inside and placed the cage in the high and far from air currents somewhere and be quiet and space-ish private wooden hatching 30 square centimeters at least and there are no any spaces Tscmah air to enter inside except manhole and be of small size and diameter of about 9 cm and before them, and 'Culture stands bird them so that he can enter and has open top opens and closes and call inspection slot so you can leisurely eggs and young to remove rotten eggs or young dead. The pastor always be a nest of this range because parents walk together inside and must Ihtwem together also Athrca free inside without compromising the safety of eggs and young and also contains a number of young and Alaveadh Food in their development.
Sawdust should also be placed inside the box layer depth of about 2 cm or peat moss used in the plant and let the order of these brush birds arranged on their own.
NB Do not use cotton wool or cloth or gauze inside the nest because it wraps around Ataior and possible cause of his death
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
When the process begins you will find that the mating male and female love each other and they Btakil each other nor ashamed of mating (sexual intercourse) before the people
.tafrakh And breeding and raising cocktail Powered
And begin laying eggs and look female permanent Nafshh feathers before laying eggs, do not worry or wonder has seems blades tail irregularly so as to concern Bash and arranged and graduated female twice a day for eating, drinking, bathing and keep male and female in the nest Atina spawning period and we find that the female abound from eating Alsibia order get abundant amounts of calcium required for egg shell, as well as eating boiled eggs and breadcrumbs.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Typically bleaching female from 3 to 8 eggs a white On average, five placed in one corner of the nest wooden and possible takes placed the egg one o'clock hour day after day to complete the number of eggs and Thhrkh mother Bmenkarha in the center of the nest and put it under her breast Ylkn When you put other eggs begin mentioned in care old eggs and exchange male and female take care of eggs until hatching and advisable to you, but my brother Ghawi touch the eggs until they hatch and leave the parents tending eggs or young children on their own ..
Usually shared parental care and custody of the eggs usually lying above during the day and the female at night and guarded by male and Ahadjiana shared by male and female eggs and lying it together and if it happens you attention to nutrition well, especially when eggs to hatch and take custody of the eggs 18 days and in a few cases 21 days in the cold days and then start hatching the mother to feed their young regurgitation of food undigested half and holding a parent's beak young and shaken up and down, opening her mouth and starts eating at the entry to the pharynx young and should at this time to confirm the availability of water and safety and change on a daily basis.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Note that the young require eating issuing voices screaming Msstmr can be heard covers villi lumbar yellow body with a region naked in the head from behind and show the orange spots on the face at the age of petals weeks shows beak color Rose then brown and then darkens when he reaches three months.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Young and issued warning sound when approaching a stranger and trying to click and defend itself.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
Important notes:
1. advisable to put lukewarm water baths female before hatching to Veadh moisture and complete the process of hatching.
2. Stay tuned, if any, parents stools large in size and Lin because Alecoqatil prefers not to defecate in the nest and collects stool inside it until it comes out of the nest
3. Further frequent eating calcium make the stool White Color
4. Do not open the nest suddenly on the parents, but let them know you are approaching them Vijrjawa from the nest to eat, and here you can see the chicks and eggs of others Vaks examination or dead chicks.
5. Clean the beaks of young with cotton swabs drenched with lukewarm water and retained or invoiced to the nest quickly and so at the age of one week.
6. When the young out of the nest after growth should put the seeds and food on the ground in small dishes so as not to defecate on them.
Kids learn eating alone at the age of 8 weeks and preferably transferred from the parent's cage before the second nest hatched well in advance.
Young and learn to fly well gradually.
Spawning and breeding and raising cocktail Powered
General information on cocktail : -
- The average age of cocktail from 15 to 25 years
- The number of eggs per nest from 3 to 7
- The incubation period of 18 to 21
- The length of a bird cocktail 32 cm
- Young out of the nest during the four or five weeks
- Alsgartmama rely on herself at the age of 6 to 8 weeks
- The size of the nest of 35 to 40 cm in all directions M.n