More is known about this small parrot cages that a bird lover in isolation, but in the wild lover of the meeting, a broad movement, often roams the huge flocks, Hjovernma vary according to the food pantry. In the years during which rainfall was relatively high and food abundant, Durrah become one of the most number of Australian parrots. Parrots Durra characterized Brchaguetha and speed of flight, rarely accompany Osrabha one place for a long time. Her husbands nesting in colonies, the pair has produced several Vksat in the season.
Aldarat birds highly trusted Balloriat and parrots figs, and although it is called in colloquial Anglo, the US in particular, "Ù¾arakaitat" (singular: Ù¾arakit), this name is called from a scientific point of several types of small-sized parrots with long tails and flatfish. The origin of the Budgerigar name, expressed the "Bdgeriqh" is not known for sure, but the kind formally record in the list of global bird for the first time in the year 1805. Ttsoaj these parrots when they are surrounding or living environmental conditions favorable, either in captivity or in the wild, a single pair, ie only one partner throughout their life. As most of the parrots, Aldarat renowned for their capacity to imitate sounds.
These parrots domesticated for the first time in Europe around the year 1840, and by the second half of the nineteenth century had become a common presence in pet stores, and took breeders are working on hatched in abundance to meet the growing demand for them, and perhaps may becomes impossible today more types of civil parrots widespread in the world and most diverse in terms of shape, size, color, and most different from wild cousins.