Is the love birds and canaries attractive and kind of the best pets that can be cultured in the house. These creatures give the house an atmosphere of fun, and will not feel bored with it at all.
Many people prefer to get these types of birds especially compared to other birds, because of their small size, ease of care. They are also more healthy compared to other birds. In addition, the canaries are not social, and therefore will be Bird's happy, even though he was alone in the cage. The following are the most important guidelines for the care of love birds and canaries.
1. In the beginning you have to answer some questions before buying these birds:
- Do you have a safe place and enough space to take care of them?
- Did you know that these birds can live for a long time, and are in the best of your ability to provide her with a home fit throughout this period?
- Is your capabilities allow material to take care of these birds?
- Do you have enough time to play, and talk with them?
- You will be her voice loud and annoying for your family or your neighbors?
- Who will take care of the bird during his stay in the house?
2. If you answered yes, or I knew the answers to these questions, you can now buy a bird of love or Canary. Go to shop animals guaranteed. , And ensuring the health certificate for the bird when buying.
3. Buy a provision for a bird cage. That the breadth of the cage ranges between 24 to 30 inches. The greater the breadth of the cage, the better so that there is space to fly and individual wings of the bird, not the length of the cage is important, although it should not be less than 24 inches, and the breadth of the openings between the bars should not exceed ½ inch. It should be noted that the metal cages are considered better than the wood and made of bamboo, and for ease of cleaning. Moreover, the cage should be provided with two or more small branches enough to fit into the legs of the bird. Make sure that the cage is always clean, clean it at least once a week. And be sure to bathe the bird at least 3 to 4 times a week.
4. temperature. You can put the cage in normal room temperature. And be sure to remove him from the air conditioners, windows that are exposed to direct sunlight.
5. light. Be sure to cover the cage when the sun is absent. These birds need to rest and be at their best when they have a natural cycle of light and dark cycle is similar in nature. The waking for a late night in the industrial light, detrimental to their health.
6. then feeding him. To remain in good health, it should be at each meal component of nutritious food. She gave him fresh foods from three to four times a week. They like fruits and vegetables, such as apples, carrots, broccoli, cabbage, bananas, green peppers, canned corn, cucumbers, strawberries, peaches, pears, spinach. There is no problem in feeding whole grain bread, but avoid the provision of high fat foods with salt and high sugar levels. Always get rid of the leftover food in the cage. The water should be available in the cage permanently.
7. Take Asforq vet. Where it should be checked at least four times a year. And be sure to follow your doctor's advice.
Important Tips:
- If the bird scared or nervous, cover the cage with a towel and let it rest.
- Provide the cage with toys. Stairways are, bamboo rings, bells, mirrors and swing of their favorite games. Be sure to put the games in a way as not to hinder the fly.
- If you want to develop a new bird inside the cage, make him sit in a cage for two hours last until at least get used to the surrounding nature.
- These birds are very small, so watch may be on the floor or on the couch.
- Make sure not to use the Teflon pots (or by Tefal non-stick food), Valodechnh rising ones may cause the kill small birds.
- Love birds capable of biting So, watch out.