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Showing posts from December, 2021

Learn about the 10 most beautiful birds in the world - pictures

Everyone wonders about the most beautiful bird in the world, and the truth is that many of the birds in the world are really beautiful, however, there are birds that we must stand amazed at by their mesmerizing beauty or by their striking features that attract many bird lovers, and they are what we call the most beautiful birds in the world, There are about 10,000 birds all over the world, and each of them is unique in some way. There are birds that are distinguished in the beauty of feathers, size, communication, migration behavior or mating performances. Therefore, when talking about the most beautiful birds in the world, we will find that opinions can be It differs from one person to another according to his vision of these birds, and today we have chosen 10 of the most beautiful birds in the world from our point of view. We hope you will like it.  10. The ruby ​​macaw is one of the most beautiful birds in the world. The magnificent sapphire bird is about 100 cm long, and it is one

Alexandra Lutino's parrot production

The Alexandrine Parakeet/Parrot (Psittacula eupatrid) are not actually true color mutations of this beautiful bird as seen in Europe and other parts of the world, but are actually the colors of a hybrid mutation, through cross-breeding with the bird closely related to the Indian Ring Alexandra Lutino's parrot production While many breeders do not support the codification of the breeding of colored birds through crossbreeding, it has been inevitable that in, some of these color mutations, we have not witnessed such a prolific spread, but of the hybrid colored birds, the sheer curious nature of some breeders is still It tries, but it is a long and meticulous process, to produce good volume and good-looking color Alexandrine spikes Hybrid The most common variegated mutant to date Lutino Alexandrine hybrids are very attractive birds, with a wonderful contrast between yellow and red, which appears on the neck ring (in males) and on the shoulder patches in males and females This color mu