Emu bird, what is the emu bird? The emu is one of the largest birds in the world, and it is characterized by its great speed and inability to fly. It belongs to the genus of dromedary, the family of runners, and can swim and sit in the water. It is one of the curious birds that pursue humans and other animals. In this article, we will discuss the characteristics of the bird and its food. And its habitat and its reproduction and many other aspects of the life of this bird.
emu bird

Emo bird traits
The body of the bird is covered with feathers of brownish-gray color in the upper section and a gray color revealed in the lower section.
It is characterized by the absence of feathers on the long neck and head except in part.
He has two long legs and three toes on each leg.
His wings are unable to fly.
It is characterized by the production of two different sounds, one of which is like grunting from the larynx, and the other like beating on a drum.
Its length ranges from 140 cm to 170 cm.
Its weight ranges from 30 kg to 65 kg.
This bird lives from about 5 to 10 years and can live for longer periods if it is caged.
Emu food
This bird feeds on some types of insects, some dead rodents, other birds and some types of fruits, seeds, grains and green plants. It also swallows some large stones to help it in the digestion process.
The habitat of the emu and its locations
This bird lives in separate areas of the Australian continent, where the open forests and green grassy areas, which are the natural environment for him.
Emu nests
This bird builds its nest in areas near trees and shrubs with green leaves and where the green grass and bark are.
Emu breeding
This bird reproduces in the early spring and summer by making some sounds and movements, and after mating, the female lays 4 to 20 eggs depending on the season, and the male incubates the eggs for a period ranging from 50 to 56 days, and after this period the eggs hatch and the young chicks leave the nest after 2 Up to 4 days, and the male keeps guarding the young for about 18 months until she is able to rely on herself.
The difference between male and female emu bird
The difference between the male and the female is the difference in size: the female is of greater weight and size than the weight and size of the male.