The falcon is a bird of prey as it feeds on prey and meat that it hunts. It belongs to the falcon family and is characterized by a very strong sense of vision through which it can see prey from high altitudes. It is one of the endangered birds due to overfishing, chemical pollution and tree cutting. In this article, we will review information about falcons.
When hunting a falcon, it is not accustomed to captivity, so the skilled hunter only covers his head and sprinkles cold water on his chest and puts it in the car air conditioner, if any, for fear of his death, and the cause of his death is fear of captivity until he calms down after days and then trains him to hunt.
types of falcon
There are many types of falcons, and we will mention some of them:
- Saker falcon
- Peregrine falcon
- peregrine falcon
- polluted falcon
- hawk deer
- honey falcon
- falcon
- Al-Qarmoushi Falcon
- yae falcon
- Falcon Cree
- Falcon pure lime
Description of the falcon
The body of falcons covers beautiful feathers, colored in white and gray colors with some black dots.
The length of the falcons ranges from 30 cm to 75 cm depending on the type
. The weight of the falcon ranges from 1 kg to 1.8 kg, depending on the type
. The falcons have long wings, the distance between them ranges from 55 cm to 110 cm
- Hawks have a sharp and very strong beak
- Falcons also have a great flight speed that can reach 300 kilometers per hour

Hawks and their locations
Falcons live in most parts of the world and on all continents except Antarctica.
falcon food
Hawks are birds of prey that feed on a group of small animals such as frogs, mice, small snakes, rabbits, types of small-sized birds and some fish.
Hawk's nest
The falcon builds its nest in the tops of trees and high areas and it is made up of wooden sticks
Falcons breed in late winter and early spring, and a male hawk makes western sounds during mating, which attracts the female’s attention to him. Feeding and caring for the little ones so that these little ones can rely on themselves.
The difference between a female and a male falcon
Size difference: the female is larger and larger than the male.