The eagle is one of the largest and largest birds of prey in the world. It is one of the birds that is distinguished by its social course and strong vision. It is divided into two families, the Old World Eagles and the New World Eagles. In this article, we will review information about eagles.
Description of the eagle
– The body of the eagle covers beautiful feathers and takes white, black, brown or gray color according to the type
– most types of eagles have a neck and head free of feathers, which enables it to enter the carcass through the holes it opened in the skin of the carcass without being affected by dirt
– eagles are distinguished With a sharp and strong beak and thin and weak legs
- The length of eagles ranges from 65 cm to 85 cm
- The flight speed of the eagle can reach 50 kilometers per hour
- It is characterized by its long wings that are moved by strong muscles, which makes it able to fly high for long distances
- Its eyes are sharp and its claws are large sharp Gooseneck
- can open wings up to 280 cm
types of eagle
- Indian
eagle - Himalayan
eagle - White back
eagle - American
eagle - Egyptian
eagle - Rumi
eagle - Abu chin
eagle - Brown eagle
eagles food
Eagles are birds of prey that feed on carrion and some dead animals and some small animals such as mice, rabbits and some reptiles. Eagles are considered cowardly birds that cannot attack large and healthy animals. Eagles for food and food.
The habitat of eagles and their locations
Eagles live almost in most parts of the world, where we find it in the continent of Asia, Europe, Africa and America, and it is not found in Australia, Antarctica and the Antarctic regions.

eagles nests
Eagles build their nests in high places such as the highest mountains, and the nest is made of sticks and twigs.
Eagle Breed
Eagles breed at the beginning of winter, when the male and female court each other by making western movements, combing each other's feathers and touching each other's wings (the male eagle is associated with one female throughout his life) and after mating the female lays one egg and the number of eggs can reach three and each of the The male and the female incubate the eggs for a period ranging from 53 to 55 days, after which the eggs hatch and the young chicks come out with open eyes and their body covered with soft white feathers (parents provide care and food for the young chicks for ten days so that they can rely on themselves).