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Showing posts from November, 2021

Why do migratory birds fly in a v-shape?

  Migratory birds fly , often in groups, in the form of V, which attracts the eyes, for its view, and its wonderful organization, and the feat. Many bird lovers wonder about the reasons for their flight, in this particular way, and some believe that the reason is due to saving energy. So, to unravel this mystery, in this article, why migratory birds fly in a V-shape. Why do migratory birds fly in a V-shape? Energy conservation Migratory birds fly , in a V-shape, to conserve their energies, as each bird flies a little, above the bird in front of it, and thus the wind resistance decreases, so the birds exchange roles, to stand in the front, and then retreat, when they feel tired, so usually the geese Fly for a long time before stopping to get some rest. A scientific article, published in the journal Nature, indicated that pelicans that fly alone, have to move their wings, more frequently, and have a higher heartbeat, than those that fly, in groups, and thus birds, in Groups, slip mo

What do you know about the bearded eagle, one of the types of birds of prey?

The bearded eagle is one of the types of vultures of the old world and a large carnivorous bird and is characterized by great skill and intelligence in hunting prey and is abundant on the cliffs of high mountains and we will notice that the females are larger than the males. Unlike other eagles, the bearded eagle is one of the types of birds of prey and unlike Most eagles do not come bald. the first site specialized in caring for pets, we will provide you with the most important information and facts about the bearded eagle, one of the vultures of the ancient world. Information about the bearded vulture, a species of Old World vulture Characteristics of a bearded eagle bearded eagle food Home of the bearded eagle bearded eagle behavior Bearded Eagle Reproduction 1- Characteristics of a bearded eagle This eagle is characterized by an attractive appearance and beautiful colors. It is characterized by a relatively small head, a thick and strong neck, and two large strong feet. We find tha

What are the benefits of orange for pet birds and how to present it?

  Benefits of orange fruit ornamental birds of many different as we know it is a winter fruit loved by adults and children thanks to the great benefits and is also of importance for major birds especially ornamental goldfinch and canary Albadji and zebra parrots because rich in vitamin c as well as nutrients useful , such as fructose , mineral salts, calcium, iodine, phosphorus and today will offer , the first site specialized in caring for pets, you have the most important benefits of oranges as food for ornamental birds and the way to present them. 1- The benefits of oranges for pet birds It is an effective tonic for all types of pet birds and helps in enhancing their activity and movement. Works to fight all cancerous diseases that can affect birds. Helps treat colds in pet birds. Orange strengthens the digestive and nervous systems of birds. Treats all skin diseases and scabies when pet birds. Orange is an effective treatment for cough and flu in birds. Works to reduce cholesterol

The benefits and harms of lettuce for pet birds and how to present it

  The food of pet birds is one of the most important things that every breeder and owner of pet birds in the house should take care of, where the pet food must be diversified and provide some fresh food for pet birds such as leafy vegetables, the most important of which is lettuce, because it contains many health benefits and nutrients necessary for pet birds Besides, it provides them with all the vitamins necessary to maintain their good health and build a strong, disease-free body, especially for canaries, budgies, goldfinch and cockatiels, sidewall present to you on the first site specialized in pet care, the benefits and harms of lettuce for ornamental birds and how to present it. 1- The benefits of lettuce for pet birds  Helps treat constipation in birds because it contains dietary fiber and water. Lettuce is a leafy vegetable rich in water and minerals such as phosphorous and calcium, and it helps fight thirst for pet birds. It is an effective sexual tonic and helps in increasin

The most dangerous types of foods that threaten the life of pet birds

The food of pet birds is one of the necessary things that must be taken care of, and birds are sensitive creatures that do not adapt to different environments and do not eat any food, so they must be dealt with carefully and carefully to maintain the health of pet birds in the house, and there are many toxic foods that can kill your birds Pets, which if ingested by birds become poisonous and may lead to their death immediately. the first site specialized in caring for pets,wewillpresent to you themost dangerous types of foods that threaten the life of pet birds. The most dangerous types of foods that threaten the life of pet birds There are some foods that are harmful and toxic to some types of birds and do not harm other types. For example, avocados are toxic to some birds . One of the birds most affected by this toxic substance when eating avocados is the canary and the budgie, while this fruit has been tried before. Some scientists on other bird species were not affected and did not

Important information about the cockatiel

The most important information about cockatiel birds with pictures Cockatiel  birds  are called  ;  Named curlews, these birds originate from Australia. They are classified as one of the types of ornamental birds. Cocktail birds have a wonderfully beautiful voice, in addition to the ease of raising them, which makes many individuals raise them in cages at home. These birds have a beautiful and distinctive shape, and during This article will provide you with the most important information about cockatiels with pictures. Cocktail bird specifications Cocktail birds have different colors, including yellow, green, and red, and the most famous of these colors are;  They are white and gray, and the male cockatiel is characterized by having a bright cheek, while the female usually has a pale cheek color, and the size of the male cockatiel bird's head is often larger than the size of the head of the female. While its weight exceeds a kilogram, the average lifespan of cockatiels ranges from